Chapter 16

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After three days of traveling, Naruto and Hinata had finally made it to Wave. Had Akane been able to transform into a larger fox then they might have been able to ride her and get there sooner. But her transformations were limited in size if not shape. Also they had a tag-along who was still slow for an academy student, which held them up more. Akane had managed to convince Naruto to let Shiba Inuzuka and her two partners to come along.


"Otou-san, can Shiba-chan come along with us?" Akane asked as Hinata helped her pack her carrying case.

"I'm not sure it's a good idea Akane-chan. This trip is mostly for the three of us after all." Naruto told her.

"But Otou-san, I promised her I'd try to get her some time to be taught by you. This is the perfect chance for that, and I don't want to break my promise. Won't that go against my nindo?" Akane had apparently adopted Naruto's ninja way as her own, thanks to his memories.

Naruto didn't know how to argue that. She had too good a point for him to counter. "Go ask her parents first." Akane grinned and went back to packing.

'Wow, she played him like an instrument.' Hinata thought, impressed. 'Attagirl. Wish I could have done that when I was your age.'

-End Flashback-

Afterwards, Akane quickly asked Shiba's parents if she could come with them. At first they weren't too enthusiastic about it, but then they heard that their shy daughter would be receiving some lessons from Naruto. After that, the shy Inuzuka girl would have had to be placed in a kennel to avoid going. So they agreed, thinking this would help her come out of her shell. But since two kids couldn't keep up with two chuunins, rather than walk, Hinata carried Akane on her back while Naruto carried Shiba, who didn't mind at all. Her dog Mino rode with her while her fox Sassha rode with Akane.

Once they reached Wave, Naruto took them to the town Tazuna and his family resided in. He said he hadn't been here since his training trip with Jiraiya, and they only came here because Jiraiya needed to research some ideas for a beach chapter in his book. Naruto made sure to keep in touch with the bridge builder's family and thought now was a good time to say 'hi' again, when he had the time.

After they crossed the Great Naruto Bridge, Naruto and Hinata let their passengers off and flexed their backs. Akane stopped to take a look at the plaque that bared her father's name and a small credo to him. "Wow, Otou-san. the people here must really like you."

"Well, like I told you, I helped them out quite a bit some time ago."

Akane sighed. "I hope someday I do something that gets something named after me."

"If your father could pull it off being lucky, then you should have no problem Akane-chan." Hinata teased just loud enough for Naruto to hear.

"Well girls, want to go to the hotel first or see something and relax for a bit?" Naruto asked.

"I wanna swim." Akane boasted.

"I'd like to hike." Shiba claimed.

'What I want I can't say since there are kids around.' Hinata thought before saying. "I... w-would rather l-lay down for a while." A few uncalled for thoughts distracted her as she spoke.

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