Chapter 22

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"Finally." Naruto said as he and Hinata found Akane, who happened to be outside the Aburame compound talking with Shino. There was no orange paint anywhere, making both chuunin sigh in relief.

Akane saw them approach and waved. "So is all the boring grown-up talk done?"

"Akane, there are two things I want to know." Naruto told her sternly, making her a little nervous. "First, what were you thinking? And second, how did you do it?"

Akane scratched an itch on her arm before answering. "Well, Baa-chan told me to go have fun, and I saw some open paint cans and water balloons just lying in the hallway with no one around. I figured what else were they there for?"

Naruto and Hinata shared a look. 'Did somebody in the Hokage Tower actually leave those things for her to use? Who would do that?'

Back at the tower, Shizune sneezed as she tried to hide some of Tsunade's liquor. She noticed one bottle was a brand she liked and pocketed it for later.

Meanwhile, at the Aburame residence, Naruto stood over his adopted daughter authoritatively. "While funny, I never would have gotten away with such a thing and neither will you." He noticed she was fidgeting a lot. "Don't be scared."

"I'm not. Something's really itching me." Akane countered, scratching more tensely over most of her body.

Shino looked over her. "It appears that some fleas have gotten onto her." He wasn't too surprised; the Aburame estate naturally drew a lot of insects to it because of abundant pheromones and nobody there killed any of them. Not even the undesirable ones. With her smelling like a fox it was only natural parasites like fleas would be drawn to her. "My family has some tonics and soaps made to rid someone, usually outside the family, of such annoyances if you'd like."

"Yes! Get me some now!" Akane demanded.

Hinata whispered something to Naruto. "Actually Shino, this might actually be a good enough punishment for her. So no thanks for now."

Akane looked horrified. "No please! Anything but this!"

"Well then, how about you attend two green ninjas in their workout for a day instead?" Hinata suggested.

"On second thought maybe all I need is a shower." Akane said, choosing the lesser of two evils.

Sasuke knew where he was, after all, he had been here once before with Karin. But that didn't mean he liked being here. For one thing, it was a pocket dimension, meaning he was just outside reality and time. Two, he couldn't leave until Madara let him, meaning he had absolutely no control here. And finally, he had some annoying company.

Apparently Tsukuyomi wore off on him and Dansue when they got here, which happened to be shaped like some sort of flat valley. Not exactly a desert, but definitely not a meadow, it was hard to describe. There was no sunlight or moonlight, or any form of visible luminescence source, but they could see crystal clear for some reason.

"Where the heck are we?" Dansue asked as she spun around to see everything.

Sasuke saw a small scroll between them on the ground and looked it over. It said 'We don't have time to waste on getting you two to cooperate. So I'll do the traveling while you three figure out how to do a job without trying to kill each other. You all want to get even with Konoha or someone from there, so remember they are your enemies, not each other.'

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