Chapter 35

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"Maybe he can't, but I can."

At hearing those words, Madara stood plainly and just stared at the new girl who had uttered them. As far as he could plainly see, this was nothing but a child, and one who had a fighting spirit but not nearly enough experience to back it up. That was what her stance said, but her chakra said otherwise. Her chakra was overwhelming for someone her age, and it looked almost feral to his sharingan. Even so, he wanted to laugh at her bold claim.

Naruto however was shocked to see she had arrived. "A-Akane-chan? What are you doing here?" 'This can't be good. Please Akane-chan, don't show off. Whatever you do, don't let him know what you really are.'

Akane briefly sent Naruto a fond smile before reaching for another pocketed kunai. Gamakichi hopped on over to Naruto. "Hey man this girl was the closest one in the area and she said she could smell ya. Any idea who she is?"

"Someone who shouldn't be here." Naruto told the orange toad. His paternal concern for the girl was overriding the knowledge that she was necessary to defeat the enemy.

At this time Hinata showed up, wrapped her arms around the young girl, and immediately tried to pull Akane out of the danger zone. "Akane-chan, we're getting out of here now! This is too dangerous for you!"

Akane struggled to get loose. "But Okaa-san-"

"No 'buts' Akane-chan or I'll ground you for a week."

"Fine go ahead but I'm the only one who can get rid of this creep and I need to do it now." Akane replied as she kept trying to squirm free.

"What are you talking about?" Hinata asked, tightening her hold as best she could.

Just then, Tsunade, Kiba, and Shino showed up together and quickly looked over the fox girl to make sure no damage to her had been done yet. Madara smiled behind his mask now. "Ah, so the hokage came to me eh? Good, now everyone is here. Maybe a few unnecessa-" He couldn't say more because Gamabunta decided to try another attack just then. Luckily for him he activated his displacement defense in time so the large toad's fist passed thru him. He became solid again after he stepped aside. "Awful rude of you to interrupt me frog."

Gamabunta's left eye twitched. "Did you just call me a frog? I hate it when people make that mistake!" The boss toad then tried to crush the ancient Uchiha repeatedly, but to no avail. It sort of reminded Naruto of the first day he met Gamabunta. Everyone in the area had to rush away as quickly as possible to avoid being unintentional targets, dragging the motionless kages and Sasuke with them. Akane went along without protest for the moment.

Everyone regathered at one point. "Baa-chan, this guy's got some kind of paralysis jutsu on the other kages. Said he wanted all of you watch as he gained the last bijuu and took over the world. Couldn't find you though." Naruto told Tsunade. "Oh, and I've finally managed to bring Sasuke back to us." He added pointing to the disarmed missing nin.

Akane looked scared. "So he wants me?"

"That's why we told you not to come here!" Naruto and Hinata scolded together.

Akane looked sheepish, and then noticed Naruto's sage appearance. "Otou-san, what's with the frogs?"

"We're toads kid, not frogs." Ma and Pa Toad pointed out.

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