Chapter 26

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Hinata was still with Sakura, Ino, and Tenten talking about wedding things while the guys had been gone for some time. Actually, a more apt description would be that the girls wanted to go walking around and keep chatting with Hinata but the guys just weren't into that sort of thing. Hinata understood that this was something men just couldn't get as excited about and told Naruto if he wanted to go off and have some fun his own way he could. He gratefully thanked her and the other guys followed suit.

Naruto was out for a stroll, in no hurry to go get Akane because she might actually enjoy spending some time with her grandfather. Half of the other guys in his group had left to go do their own things, but Kiba, Chouji, and Shikamaru had stayed with him for some company and maybe a few more questions that were coming to mind now. They came to a stop at a vending machine by a convenience store to get a drink, and Kiba was the first to ask what was on his mind.

"So Naruto, bet you're looking forward to being with Hinata privately eh?"

The orange-clad ninja wondered if maybe there was more to this one than just polite small talk. Kiba wasn't exactly the politest of his comrades and there were times Naruto wondered if he himself fancied Hinata. "Are you asking about what we'll do in the bedroom?"

Kiba just shrugged nonchalantly. "C'mon, the girls aren't around; it's just us men we can talk about this at least."

"Well, maybe some stuff is best left unsaid." Shikamaru commented. "I'm sure Hinata-san wouldn't like it if she or one of the other girls had heard Naruto talking about their sex life just to fit in with the guys."

"So is that why you never told us about what you and Temari did around Valentine's Day?" Kiba asked.

Shikamaru looked like he had just seen Hidan come back from the grave. "W-what the...? What are you talking about?"

Kiba grinned playfully, showing off his fangs. "You may have been able to foul the others, but me and Akamaru could smell her all over you. No mistaking what that meant."

"Wait a minute. You and Temari-san actually did that?" Chouji asked his oldest friend.

Shikamaru sighed. "It's my own business guys. And besides, even if I wanted to brag about it, Temari-chan would beat me over the head for it. And that's if she was in a good mood." Then he turned to Naruto. "Word of advice man: Don't brag about your own trysts. Something tells me that Hinata-san might not be so gentle herself. And I wouldn't want to piss off a woman with X-ray eyes and the ability to kill with her fingertips."

"And yet you're in a relationship with a girl who can cut you in half with a swing off her arms. And if she doesn't kill you, her brother will." Naruto pointed out.

"He's got you there Shika." Chouji added.

Kiba relaxed against the wall of the building. "I don't know what you see in that chick. Personally I wouldn't want a mate who thinks she's the alpha."

"If there's one thing I've learned from Otou-san besides games and jutsu, it's that for humans, women are the alphas Kiba-san. And you can make things a lot less troublesome by not fighting it." Shikamaru stated, finishing with a light nod towards Naruto who got the message. "Besides, if women aren't the alphas, then why do we have to ask them to consent when proposing?"

"If that's not whipped I don't know what is." The Inuzuka boy thought aloud, trying to keep sounding macho.

Shikamaru just shrugged. "Well, good luck getting a girl yourself with that attitude."

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