Chapter 14

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Normally when Hinata woke up, she would see if somebody wanted her to do something or if they needed her for some reason. She tended to feel that since most Hyuuga once thought of her as a failure in the clan, then she could make up for it by trying to be useful whenever necessary. Most of the time she didn't even like leaving the estate without making sure that nobody had reason to keep her around, unless a mission came up. To her it was only common courtesy. But today, Hinata just got up, dressed, and left without doing this. All because she had something in mind for today that she didn't want anyone to try and delay.

Today was a day to spend some time with her new daughter, Akane Uzumaki.

Hinata felt really prideful and somewhat odd to call the young girl that. Prideful because she always wanted to have a family with Naruto and now she couldn't help but feel she had it. Odd because it was sooner than expected and the child wasn't exactly what she had in mind in the beginning. Hinata didn't mind that Akane was the Kyuubi, but calling the most powerful demon known to man your child would make any normal person feel weird.

But it didn't matter. The young girl adored the same blonde the Hyuuga heiress did, in a different way of course, and now chose to call said heiress her mother without being told to. And she had the same spirit as Naruto when he was a kid and her family already approved of any bonding between them. How could Hinata not like her?

Hinata arrived at Iruka's place and knocked on the door. Akane answered it rubbing the sleep out of her left eye. Hinata suppressed an 'ahh' at seeing her wear bright orange pajamas. "Okaa-san, glad you came." Akane said, still sounding tired.

Hinata reached down and hugged the girl. "What do you say the two of us go have a day to ourselves? A normal mother-daughter day?"

"Sounds good to me. What are we gonna do?" Akane asked after a yawn.

Hinata let go and shrugged, but stayed at her eye level. "We'll play it by ear. More fun that way."

Akane nodded then grabbed some clothes out of her bag and went into the bathroom to change. When she came out, she wore a lavender t-shirt and beige shorts and looked ready for anything. "I'm ready when you are, Okaa-san."

Hinata left a note so when Iruka woke up he'd know why Akane wasn't there, then both went out to have some fun together. When they got out, the first thing Akane commented on was that she was a little hungry. Hinata felt she could go for some breakfast too, but didn't know where to go. Lucky for both of them Ichiraku's opened early for Naruto and friends of his. Hinata wasn't sure it was a good idea to encourage any ramen fanaticism for the girl, but decided that with Naruto for a father, it was probably a lost cause.

Teuchi was wiping down the counters and getting the cooking utensils out when he saw the two girls approach. "Ahh, good morning you two. What brings you here?"

"Let's see. You sell food, and I'm hungry. So what do you think brings me here jii-san?" Akane sarcastically remarked.

Teuchi chuckled. "Y'know, Naruto once said that exact same thing to me years ago. You get more like him every day Akane-chan."

"I'm taking that as a compliment."

"Good." Teuchi and Hinata said.

Akane looked confused. "What do you two mean by that? Would most people take it as an insult?"

Hinata and Teuchi exchanged a concerned look before looking back at the little girl. "Well, Hinata-chan, awhile ago that's exactly what would have happened if someone was compared to Naruto-kun."

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