Chapter 1

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The sound of a beeping alarm clock echoed throughout the messy bedroom. Dirty clothes and fast food garbage littered the floor and many of the furniture surfaces. A groan escaped the bed as its owner rose from slumber. Reaching over to silence the clock, a groggy teenage male slammed his fist down, silencing the clock.

"Shuddup, you piece a shit"

His name was Y/n L/n. At 19 years old he was at an all-time low. Struggling to pay his bills while going to college, Y/n hated his life. Not only was he in a mountain of debt topped with student loans, he had no social life or any way to blow off some steam after a hard day. This made him extremely irritable. His neighbors all noticed this and as a result, not many of them liked him. Y/n was completely fine with that because he didn't like talking to people anyway.

Glancing at the clock, Y/n's eyes shot open as he noticed he was going to be late for school. Scrambling to put some clothes on, he rushed to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee while he frantically put all of his things in his backpack. By the time he was done, he was only able to pour some coffee into a travel mug before rushing out.

(Y/n pov)

While I was locking my door, I heard someone exit their apartment behind me. When I turned around, I saw my favorite neighbor.

 When I turned around, I saw my favorite neighbor

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Y/n: Morning, Himeno.

The woman looked my way and smiled. When I'd first moved in, she was the only one who greeted me. I'd initially brushed off her kindness as enthusiasm but as time went on I began to genuinely enjoy her company.

Himeno: 'Sup kid. Wow, you look like shit.

Y/n: That tends to happen when you wake up late and have to scramble to get ready.

Himeno: I feel ya. Want a ride?

Y/n: Yes, please.

Himeno: Follow me then.

We headed for the elevator at the end of the hall. Once it opened, I walked inside and leaned against the wall. Himeno pressed the button for the ground floor, prompting the doors to slide shut.

Himeno: So how's school?

Y/n: About what you'd imagine. The shitty teachers are handing out even shittier assignments with ridiculous expectations and demands. I don't even know why I decided to go to college in the first place. It's just been a sinkhole of my money and time. Maybe I should have just joined the military. At least then they would cover the costs of college.

Himeno: That sucks. I'm sorry.

Y/n: Well what can you do? I'm not fit enough to do anything physically demanding, so the best I can do is this.

Himeno: You could become a CDH.

Y/n: What's that?

Himeno: It stands for Civilian Devil Hunter. It pays decently enough and you get some benefits too.

The Kaiju Devil (Chainsaw Man x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now