Chapter 12

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After a pitstop at a rest area, we arrived back in Tokyo. Denji was in awe of the scale of the building which served as the Tokyo Public Safety HQ.

Denji: Wow, this place is huge.

Y/n: Yeah, it is pretty big.

Makima: This way boys.

Denji: You got it!

Makima sauntered off with a very sensual sway of her hips, which caused Denji to practically salivate. I grabbed his shoulder and forcefully held him back, much to his chagrin.

Denji: What are you doing?

I quickly looked around before speaking in a hushed whisper.

Y/n: Whatever you do, don't trust her. She's not who she says she is.

Denji: Dude, what're you talking about? The way I see it, she's a gorgeous woman with a nice ass and decent boobs. What's so wrong about that?

Y/n: Since you haven't seemed to notice, I'll tell you. It's her eyes, they aren't natural, nor do they share the same color or shape found in humans like us.

Denji: But we aren't humans anymore, at least not fully.

Y/n: We're more human than she'll ever be. I'm just trying to look out for you.

Denji: Dude, relax. I'm fine.

I watched as Denji happily walked off to try and get a closer look at Makima's assets. I sighed in defeat before following him. Once we were inside, I headed straight to Riku's desk and dropped the severed devil head on it with a loud thump.

Y/n: There, you happy now?

Riku: You're late.

Y/n: You said I had to bring a devil's head as proof of the kill within a day. You never specified at which time I was to do so.

Riku: You're smart, I'll give you that.

Y/n: Now are you gonna stop being a dick and act like my partner or not?

Riku: Fine, you win. I'll hold up my end of the deal.

Y/n: Good.

Riku: There's nothing for us to do right now, so you can leave. If anything comes up then I'll call you. Now get out of here.

Y/n: Gladly.

I quickly left Riku's desk and went to leave. When I slammed the head on his desk, he seemed genuinely surprised that I'd managed to pull it off.

Y/n(in mind): Tch, what a douchebag. Does he honestly think that little of me? He doesn't even know me.

As I was walking toward the exit, I bumped into someone.

Y/n: Sorry about that.

???: You dare touch me, scum? Watch where you're walking, lowlife.

Before I could respond, the person stormed off.

Y/n(in mind): What was that about?

Deciding to forget about that little interaction, I resumed my journey to the exit. On my way, I spotted a familiar face.

Y/n: Hey, Yoshida!

A black-haired teen looked up and in my direction. He had a couple of piercings in his left ear and eyes that matched his dark hair. A tie hung loosely on his neck in front of a button-up shirt with its sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

The Kaiju Devil (Chainsaw Man x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now