Chapter 11

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Y/n: We should start by finding that kid. I sensed a peculiar aura coming from that dog thing he was holding.

"That was Chainsaw's aura."

Y/n: You didn't think to tell me before I saved him?

"It wasn't important at the time."

Y/n: Well thanks to you, we're back at square one. I hope he hasn't gotten too far.

"The kid had a gaping hole in his chest from when he got stabbed. Chainsaw was also wounded from the same attack. Unless he's merged with the boy, we should be able to follow the blood trail and pick up the scent."

Y/n: Good, but before that, I cant leave here empty-handed.

I walked over to the corpse of the Zombie Devil and ripped its head off. I released a very small amount of heat to cauterize the exposed flesh so it wouldn't drip everywhere. Once I was done, I walked toward the entrance of the warehouse. By now the sun was up and peeking over the horizon, indicating the start of a new day. If it were any other day, I'd be scrambling to get ready for school, but I didn't have to worry about that anymore. Maybe being a Devil Hunter wouldn't be so bad. At least, that's what I was thinking before an invisible object bitch slapped me into a tree hard enough to splinter it.

Groaning, I picked myself up and prepared to fight whatever it was that had just attacked me. When I saw my opponent, I was very surprised. Standing before me was a figure that looked like it was from a manga. Two revving chainsaw blades were sticking out of its arms while a full chainsaw had replaced the head. It was then that I noticed the splotch of blood on the side of the building and put two and two together.

"Well, this is interesting. It appears that the boy made a deal with Chainsaw and took his power."

Y/n: Wait, what? Seriously?

"Yes. You may have to fight to force a submission out of him."

Y/n: Ugh, and just when I thought things were about to wind down for the day.

I cracked my knuckles and transformed again. Chainsaw seemed to flinch a little bit but remained otherwise still.

Y/n: Yo, Chainsaw Man, I'm getting tired of standing around out here, so unless you want to get the shit beaten out of you, I suggest you stand down.

Chainsaw opened his mouth, revealing two rows of razor-sharp white teeth. They gleamed in the morning sunlight as a medium-length pink tongue slithered out.

Chainsaw: I don't gotta listen to you! I'm finally free from that shitty debt for the first time in my life so I'm gonna live the way I want and you cant stop me!

Y/n: Hold on, are you that kid I saved earlier?

Chainsaw ignored me and charged, both his arms poised to attack.

Y/n: Okay, fine. I guess we're doing this. Don't say I didn't warn you though.

We launched ourselves at each other with everything we could muster. My claws met his blades with a loud resounding clash.

(3rd pov)

Makima was sitting at her desk doing some paperwork when the phone rang. Sighing in annoyance, she picked up the receiver and held it to her ear.

Makima: Hello?

???: We've received word from one of our scouts that two Devils have been seen near an abandoned warehouse outside of town. Go there and take care of them.

The Kaiju Devil (Chainsaw Man x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now