Chapter 15

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A squad of police cars had been called after Power pulverized the Sea Cucumber devil. Makima wasn't the happiest person when she got the call. That was why she lectured Denji and Power while the cops closed off the area.

Makima: Going after a civilian hunter's target is an obstruction of business. That's cause for arrest normally. Power, you'll need to think a bit more before you act. And Denji, she's your partner so try to keep her under control.

Denji: Hold on, this is my fault?

Makima: I blame Power's inclinations as the Blood Fiend.

Power: This cur is the one that commanded me to attack.

Denji: Liar. You jumped off the roof like a psychopath!

Power: I do not lie. That is a human tactic!

Makima: Please keep it down you two.

Power suddenly stopped arguing with Denji and adopted a much more fearful demeanour which wierded Denji out a bit.

Makima: I don't care who is at fault. All I want is for you to thrive as a team. This is a mutually beneficial arrangement after all. If you perform well then Division 4 graduates from experimental status to an actual group which benefits me and you two.

-Several hours later-

Denji stood before a vending machine putting a coin into the slot and selecting his chosen beverage. The pop and hiss from the can were like music to his ears. 

Denji(in mind): Now probably isn't the time to worry about coppin' a feel.

He glanced over at Power and saw her petting a stray cat. The thought of having a better life but having to pay the price of working with Power worked its way into his mind. He didn't like how Power had tried throwing him under the bus. 

Denji: So what's your deal? You realize you won't be the only one punished for failure, right?

Power: I only take pleasure in the company of cats. I despise humans, but it's not because they did anything to me.

Denji: What is it then?

Power: It's like a demonic instinct. And the Devils are worse. One of them took my cat Meowy. Makima thwarted my plans and caught me before I could rescue Meowy. I would do anything to get her back, even allying with mortals though I doubt you'd ever understand.

Denji: That's dumb as hell. I'd do anything to cop a feel though. 

Power: The human psyche is perplexing. Tell you what human, since you find the prospect of groping breasts so amusing, you can touch mine if you rescue Meowy.

Denji: Say what?

Power: You heard me.

Denji: That fuckin' Devil, what a tool! Snatching innocent cats. That ain't happenin' on my watch!

-Next day-

???: Day leave for the Fiend Power has been approved. Make sure she's back no later than 5 pm.

Denji: You betcha. C'mon Power.

(Y/n pov)

I'd just finished a stack of paperwork when Riku walked up to me.

Riku: Yo.

Y/n: What is it this time? More paperwork?

Riku: Nah. Got a mission for you. That newbie you brought in just got permission to take on of our Fiends out for the day. I want you to shadow them for a while and see where they're going.

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