Chapter 10

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As I stared at the looming monstrosity before me, I sensed a wave of desperation and fear coming from the guy who'd found himself skewered by the business end of a rusty blade.

Y/n: What the hell?

As soon as he heard my voice, the guy, who looked to be in his late teens, slowly turned his head in surprise, albeit with extreme pain.

???: What are you doing? Run!

Y/n: Worry about yourself right now, pal. I'll take care of these guys.

Devil: Are you a Devil Hunter?

Y/n: That I am. Y/n L/n, at your service.

Devil: I hate Devil Hunters! First I'll kill you, then the boy and his pet!

Y/n: Sorry, not happening. You see, I'm under orders to bring back the head of a Devil by tomorrow, so I'm on a bit of a time crunch. I'll be relieving you of your head now if you don't mind.

Devil: Scum! All of you, get him!

All of the zombies lurching around turned their attention to me. The one holding the blade that had stabbed the teen pulled it free. I cracked my knuckles and prepared to let loose with a smirk.

(3rd pov)

Denji limped across the warehouse as he attempted to escape with Pochita clutched in his arms. Each step caused a searing pain to rip through his chest, but he wasn't going to stop until he was safe.

Denji(in mind): Dammit! Even the boss has it out for me, but why? I did everything he asked me to do. I did everything I could to pay my debt!

No answer to Denji's question was given. He'd gone his entire life suffering at the hands of others but he still managed to dream of a better life for him and Pochita. Bread covered in jam, a nice house, a good job, video games, and a hot girlfriend to hang out with. All of these things were nothing more than pipe dreams to Denji but they kept him going. Even now as he bled out trying to escape the Zombie Devil, Denji still had hope that maybe, just maybe, a better life awaited him in the future.

He eventually made it outside of the warehouse. Relieved to feel the morning sun on his face, Denji fell to his knees and leaned against the wall of the warehouse. He looked up at the sky with a pained smile on his face as Pochita rubbed against him.

Denji: It wasn't perfect and I wish a lot more things happened, but it was a good life Pochita. Once I'm gone, run far away, will you? I don't think I could bear the thought of my only friend being hunted down and killed.

Pochita let out a small bark, prompting Denji to chuckle before coughing violently, showering the area in blood.

Denji: Well, at least I don't gotta pay my debt anymore. Thats good.

With one final sentence, Denji's last breath escaped his lips. His hands fell limp against his sides as his heart stopped beating. Blood continued to drip from the hole in his chest before eventually stopping. Pochita nudged Denji's hand with a whine in an attempt to elicit a response, but when nothing happened, the Devil dog reared his head and let out a mournful howl.

(Y/n pov)

The Devil stared at me with hatred in its eyes while it hid behind the army of zombies. From that, I gathered that it couldn't physically fight back, which was why it created an army of zombies. If that was indeed the case, then all I had to do was charge through and beat it to death.

Devil: Show me what you've got, Devil Hunter!

Y/n: Gladly. But first, say hello to my little friend.

The Kaiju Devil (Chainsaw Man x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now