Chapter 5

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(A/n: There will be two instances where Godzilla speaks here. When he is speaking to Y/n in his mind, his lines will be surrounded by (). When he talks to others outside their shared body, his lines will be bordered by quotation marks.)

Y/n: Before I find him, I need to do something else first.

(What's that?)

Y/n: I know someone who can get me into Public Safety, which is a government-run Devil hunting organization. That way, I can get closer to finding the Gun and your buddy at the same time. I was actually on my way to meet her when I was killed.

(I'll leave the human interactions to you.)

Y/n: That's probably for the best.

I looked at my clawed hand and then at the building in front of me. An idea was formed in my mind as I looked at the sky. I crouched down in a squat position before putting all my strength into my legs. As I hoped, I bounded into the air with incredible speed. Landing on top of the building with a bang, I surveyed the area around me. My apartment complex was on the other side of town near the more populated areas. I wanted to see what else I could do with this new body of mine but I could figure all that out later.

I stopped looking around and took a running leap off the side of the building as I made my way back home. The rush of the wind as it ran over me was amazing. It sounded like a jet engine in my ears because of how fast I was moving. My newfound speed made it so I was practically stepping from one building to the next. I felt the edges crumble beneath my feet as I sprinted hundreds of feet in minutes.

(3rd pov)

Outside the Tokyo branch of Public Safety, the same man Y/n had bumped into hours earlier walked through the doors. He wasn't wearing the same outfit as the other hunters nor did he have an ID badge.

Hunter 1: It's him.

Hunter 2: Never thought I'd get the chance to see him.

Hunter 3: I heard he's even stronger than Captain Kishibe.

The man ignored all of the hunters and beelined for the elevator. He stood staring at the elevator doors with a monotonous look on his face. The doors slid open with a ping and he walked inside. Pressing a button, the elevator closed its doors and immediately began ascending.

He was bored with his role as a Devil Hunter. He didn't even know why Public Safety bothered to fight them anyway when they would just revive in Hell before coming back to cause more chaos later. Humanity was stuck in an endless battle with the Devils and for what? The victories they scored wouldn't last forever. Defeating a powerful Devil only awarded humanity temporary peace and even then it wasn't worth it because as soon as one Devil was killed, another would always pop up somewhere else.

The elevator stopped moving suddenly, as it had arrived at the 15th floor. He walked out and into the hall, making his way toward the office at the end of it. He knocked twice before a voice responded.

???: Enter.

He twisted the doorknob and walked inside. Seated at a desk on the far side of the room was a woman. She had long pink hair tied into a braid while two bangs hung next to her ears. The most striking feature about her had to have been her yellow eyes.

 The most striking feature about her had to have been her yellow eyes

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