Chapter 4

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(Y/n pov)

Y/n: UAGH!!!

My eyes burst open in a flash as I woke up. I was confused because I was in an unfamiliar place. It wasn't abnormally hot or cold, nor light or dark. It just...was. I had no memory of how I got there, but the last thing I remembered was being shot by that man after he'd pulled me into the alley.

I didn't feel a thing as the bullet hit my body because as soon as it did I woke up here. Suddenly, a wave of hot air washed over me from behind. When I turned around I saw something that could only have appeared in a fantasy world.

There was a massive underground cavern held together by large pillars of stone with molten lava falling through cracks in the ceiling

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There was a massive underground cavern held together by large pillars of stone with molten lava falling through cracks in the ceiling. There were several statues depicting what appeared to be an ancient god. It had a reptilian head and features but a largely human-shaped body. It looked a lot like Anubis from Egyptian mythology. In one hand it held a shield and in the other, it held a spear. The thing that shocked me the most, however, was a diorama of two beings locked in battle. One was the reptilian being that the statues were modeled after while another resembled the mythical Hydra from Greek mythology. It had three heads, two giant wings, and three tails.

I felt drawn to these creatures, whatever they were. They didn't seem to embody any particular concept of fear, which meant that they couldn't have been Devils. The only logical explanation for what they were was simple. They were Kaiju. Kaiju were the progenitors of the Devils and the oldest documented beings in history, creatures so strong that even God feared them. Amidst my confusion, I became aware of a massively powerful presence close by. I looked at the temple in the distance and saw the largest of all the statues. It depicted the reptilian Kaiju but this time it was without the spear and shield. It stood tall as its tail looped back around its right leg.


I jolted as the voice reached my ears. Its depth was like a king's that demanded both respect and fear from his subjects.

"Down here."

I slowly looked down at the ground and saw a most peculiar sight. A creature standing on two stubby legs was looking straight up at me.

Y/n: Are you a Devil?

The creature remained silent as it stared up at me. Its stare made me feel like someone was peering deep into my mind, trying to unearth my darkest secrets. I was about to ask the question again when an idea popped into my head. Devils and Kaiju could both take over bodies after death and gain new life.

Y/n: I don't know if you're a Kaiju, Devil, or something else entirely, but I know we can help each other.

The creature cocked its head to the side, as if interested in what I was about to say.

Y/n: This is a contract. Help me destroy the Gun Devil and I will do whatever you ask of me. Do we have a deal?

The creature nodded. A smirk appeared on my face as I knelt in front of the strange being.

Y/n: Good, now get in my body.

Instead of reaching out to me or saying something in response, It continued to stare at me, albeit with a more intimidating look. As it stared into my eyes I felt dizzy. I felt like I was waking up from a dream or something. I awoke back in the real world with a gasp as everything suddenly began rushing back at me. By now it was nighttime, which meant I was freezing. I hugged my arms close to my body in an attempt to warm myself up as I blinked my eyes. Speaking of my eyes, I noticed that my vision had drastically improved from what it used to be. I was able to see things from incredible distances while also being able to see the individual feathers of a bird as it flew by. I went to rub my eyes, thinking it was all a dream or something, but when I did I was surprised to see my arm covered in grey scales.

(Don't act so surprised. You wanted this.)

I jerked my head around as I heard the voice. It sounded like it was in my head, yet it wasn't. It was ethereal yet normal. I looked around half expecting to see someone but I saw no one.

(Over here.)

Y/n: Huh?

(In the reflection of the window.)

I did as the voice commanded and got up before walking over to a singular window. What I saw was enough to send me reeling back in shock. Staring back at me was a seven-foot tall bipedal lizard man with spikes running down its back. Its eyes were a mixture of black and blood red.

Y/n: No way... Is this...what I'll look like from now on?

(Don't tell me you're having second thoughts already.)

Y/n: No, I just...

(Just what?)

Y/n: I just wasn't expecting to feel so normal. I don't feel like anything's changed other than my appearance and vision.

(You'll get used to it. They all do.)

Y/n: As long as the Gun Devil falls by my hand, I don't care what happens.

I clenched my fist and turned to look at the sky. The moonlight illuminated my new body, covering it in a layer of divine light.

Y/n: I'm going to need to walk around in my human form if we're to blend in. I can't simply go out looking like this.

(Worry not. You will only be allowed to use my power when I see fit or this body is in a life-or-death situation.)

Y/n: You say that like we're sharing it.

(That's because we are.)

Half of the face melted away to reveal my human one staring back at me.

Y/n: Is this going to be like a "you take over whenever you need" kind of thing?

(Don't get ahead of yourself human. You will be fighting this battle, not me. The only time I will intervene is if you are not able to win by yourself, but that won't happen since you have my power.)

Y/n: First off, I have a name. Second, just how powerful are you?

(Powerful enough.)

Y/n: Enough to have a temple built in your honor in a place that could only be described as otherworldly?

(Precisely. I am what you humans would call a god among men. I was once a powerful Kaiju before I was betrayed by my brethren and forced into a civil war against my brothers and sisters. Our fight lasted for millennia, with many falling each time we clashed. In the end, my body was destroyed and my loyal compatriots hid in what eventually became the realm of Hell.)

Y/n: Really?

(Yes. One of my allies isn't far from here, surprisingly. If you want to get the upper hand on the Gun, I highly suggest you seek him out.)

Y/n: What's his name?

(Chainsaw Man.)

The Kaiju Devil (Chainsaw Man x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now