Chapter 13

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I wandered around town aimlessly for a while after leaving the Yoshida family home. I had never meant to offend or hurt Saki but it seems I ended up doing that anyway. I sighed and brushed a few strands of hair out of my face as I walked.

(Well that didn't go very well.)

Y/n: You think?

(You want some advice?)

Y/n: Sure.

(Don't get attached to anyone. It just leads to distraction.)

Y/n: You still don't get it do you?

(Get what?)

Y/n: We humans crave companionship. There's something about having friends and loved ones that gives us a sense of fulfillment. I wouldn't expect you to understand since you're not human.

(Need I remind you that you aren't either?)

Y/n: I'm more human than you'll ever be. I'm not in a great mood right now so do me a favor and be quiet.

(Whatever you say.)

I pushed all thoughts of Saki out of my mind for the time being as I began heading back to HQ. 

(The next day)

Despite being an organization of hunters, Public Safety still had a lot of paperwork and other boring important things to do. I pushed my way through the crowds of desk workers as I headed to my destination. I wanted to talk to Himeno for a bit before I went to check on Denji. I found her sitting at her desk with someone leaning against the cubicle wall.

Y/n: Hey Himeno. Who's this?

Himeno: Oh, hey Y/n. This is my partner, Aki Hayakawa.

Aki: I've heard a lot about you.

Y/n: Same here. You know, whenever we'd talk, Himeno had nothing but good things to say about you.

Aki: I'm glad to hear that.

Y/n: So how'd you end up here?

Aki: My family was killed by the Gun Devil. I'm here to avenge them. I was trained by Captain Kishibe before being partnered up with Himeno.

Y/n: I've heard about him in passing. Is he really the strongest hunter?

Aki: Oh no, not even. That title goes to Quanxi. She used to work here before leaving it behind in favor of mercenary work in China. From what I hear they used to be partners a long time ago. the captain is Japan's strongest hunter though. 

Y/n: Interesting. So do you have a contract? I hear that most hunters do.

Aki: Yeah. I'm contracted with the Curse Devil. The sword on my back is a cursed nail. If you get stabbed three times with it, you'll die instantly. It's pretty strong but the only downside is that my life will be shortened.

Y/n: Oh.

Aki: Yeah. I've been ordered to only use it as a last resort, but luckily, that isn't the only contract I have.

Y/n: You can have more than one?

Himeno: Yes, but it's not easy. It's quite tedious actually. First, you have to go through an arduous process filled with paperwork and meetings before you can get approval. Once you have it, the higher-ups will decide which one is the best choice for your skillset. However, the difficulty of the process doesn't end there. Sometimes the Devil will exact a very high price or outright refuse altogether. There have even been a few cases of hunters being killed because of it.

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