Chapter 17

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I was out with Denji and Power after getting some things from the grocery store at Aki's request. He had a meeting to get to so he left them in my charge for the day. I dragged them on the errands I needed to run, but that was a disaster. They constantly bickered like children and only stopped when I bought them snacks. I now understood why Aki hadn't been too happy about this arrangement.

Denji: Yo, Y/n.

Y/n: What?

Denji: What's the deal with you and the pirate lady from the devil fight?

Y/n: What are you talking about?

Denji: This woman showed up with the rest of them after you beat that leech thing. She had an eyepatch on her face and she was looking at you like something to eat.

Y/n: Oh, you mean Himeno. Nothing is going on there. We're just great friends and used to be neighbors before I moved in with you two and Aki. She's the one who got me into the devil-hunting business.

Denji: I wouldn't be so sure about that. She was eying you for a long time.

Y/n: You're just imagining things. Seriously, me and her? It'll never happen.

Denji: Eh, whatever you say. Just thought I'd bring it to your attenti-Power for the love of god, stop fuckin hitting me!

I turned around to see Power whack Denji on the head before smirking like the devil she was and running off. He followed her shortly after leaving me with the groceries. I sighed and rubbed my forehead before giving chase.


After I managed to chase down Denji and Power, Aki called and said that Makima wanted us all to come in. We returned to the apartment and got dressed before heading out. Upon arriving at HQ, Power was taken by another hunter for something while Denji and I headed to Makima's office.

(I sense an unusual amount of resentment and hate this time.)

Y/n(in mind): Odd. I wonder what it is.

(I don't know, but I sense the aura of another powerful devil similar to Control. I don't sense any killing intent though, just the malice.)

Y/n(in mind): Thanks for the heads up. I'll be on guard the whole time just in case.

(Good. And again, don't get too comfortable around Control. Remember that we're only using her as a means to an end to get what we want. After that, we'll destroy her. You've been letting your guard down around her lately and I don't like it. If our link is severed and the contract voided, that will be the end of our plans.)

Y/n(in mind): I haven't forgotten. I know what's at stake here.

(Good. I wouldn't want to lose such a promising host.)

Y/n(in mind): Gee, thanks. It's good to know that you still don't see me as anything less than a pawn. Need I remind you that this is a mutually beneficial arrangement? If I go, your remaining power fizzles out and we both die for good. So I'd appreciate a little more respect if you don't mind.

There was no response from my scaled counterpart which I took to mean that he was giving me the silent treatment. I huffed and muttered under my breath but didn't press the matter any further. Me and Denji soon arrived at our destination. The secretary reported our arrival to Makima and she invited us into her office. After a short conversation commending us for our victory a few days ago, she invited Denji to learn about one of the other less interesting aspects of being a hunter, the paperwork. I leaned against the wall and watched them. I had my guard up at all times and made sure my senses were in tip-top shape just in case she tried anything.

The Kaiju Devil (Chainsaw Man x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now