Chapter 3

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(Y/n pov)

After I left the river bank I continued walking through the city. It was so full of life to the point that you'd think Tokyo was one of the few cities that escaped the Gun Devil's attack but it wasn't. Due to the extreme loss of life, Tokyo now had one-eighth less of its former population. That may not have seemed like much in the grand scheme of things but it was still several thousand people.

By the time I'd crawled out of the rubble, the Devil and my family were long gone. By some miracle, Saki and her family had been out of town that day so they escaped the carnage. When they heard the news, they took me in right away. The two of us had grown much closer in that time.

I eventually got a job and earned enough money to move out, so I did that. Before I walked out, I thanked them for all they'd done for me over the last 10 years. Saki and her brother were sad to see me go but understood that I wanted to forge my own path. When I started college I was surprised to see Saki in attendance as well. By that point, I'd been living in my apartment for several months. We spent some time catching up after class one day, which was nice. It wasn't long after that when my grades began to go downhill. It wasn't for lack of trying because I did, I didn't have the intelligence nor the attention span to keep up.

I wanted to succeed but I just couldn't. No matter what I tried things stayed the same. As I walked, I began to think Saki and Himeno were right. College was just siphoning what little money I had and it wasn't getting me anywhere. As things stood, I had two options, Public Safety or the military.

Neither was an ideal career path but at least with Public Safety, I'd be with someone I knew. From everything Himeno had told me, it wasn't too bad aside from the crazy Devils they had to fight. For the most part, Devils were handled by the civilian hunters, and Public Safety was only called in when it got out of hand. And then there were the Fiends, Devils who took over the dead body of a human. Fiends were known as the wildcards of Devil hunting. They were largely employed as hunters themselves, albeit on extremely tight leashes held by experienced hunters who knew what they were doing.

No matter what way you slice it, all the current problems in the world can be traced back to the Kaiju and their conception. Those things, whether they meant to or not, caused the Devil plague that took the lives of my family and so many others, so it was safe to say I wasn't a fan even if most of them were friendly to humans.

All that aside, it was clear I wouldn't last if I remained where I was in life. I could enlist in the military and get shipped off to god knows where and die in battle, or I could join Public Safety and work with Himeno, eventually earning the opportunity to forge a contract with a Devil. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out which one I wanted to go with. Even if I didn't want to do it, Public Safety was the best chance I had to finally accomplish something in life, so I had to banish my misgivings and second thoughts.

Y/n(in mind): Okay, gotta talk to Himeno and tell her my decision. I could call her but I'd rather talk about this face to face, so I'll just head home, go over to her place, and we can figure things out from there.

I checked the time and noticed it was around 6:30 pm. I'd been walking for a lot longer than I thought. If memory served me right, Himeno would be coming home right about now after making a pitstop at the liquor store. I swear, the amount of beer that woman could drink was insane. She wasn't known for having a high tolerance to the stuff, but she was able to drink a shitload of it before passing out. She also smoked a lot too. When I asked her why she said it was because the nicotine helped calm her down in stressful situations and the alcohol served as a way to blow off steam after a long day at work. I could understand to a degree but I never found either substance to be very desirable.

If I was lucky I could intercept her before she passed out for the night. I broke into a sprint in the direction of home so I'd get there ASAP. My heart was pounding as I ran but it was likely since I'd just made a decision that would greatly affect my life. As I ran I began to think of how life would change once everything was finalized. I'd likely be brought to a Devil for a contract depending on what the higher-ups thought would be the best fit for me. The idea of using the powers of a Devil to slay Devils was amusing. I knew Himeno had a contract after I asked what happened to her eye.

She'd looked at me for a few seconds before very nonchalantly saying that it was the price she had to pay for her contract. That just went to show that Devils could demand a high price for their services. They demanded as much or as little as they wanted just because they could. Devils were greedy, crafty, and violent beings by nature so it didn't surprise me in the slightest when I heard that steep contract prices were the norm. I would likely have to pay a similar one for my own.

I stopped at a crosswalk while the traffic moved along. The day was beginning to reach its end. As the sun dipped below the horizon, it cast a pink glow over the sprawling streets of Tokyo. When I heard the ping that signaled my turn to cross, I went to step into the street when I felt someone's hand grab my shoulder followed by something hard being pressed into my back. My pulse quickened as I realized it was the barrel of a gun.

???: Come quietly or I'll blow your insides all over the street. Nod if you understand.

I nodded my head and remained silent.

???: Good, now follow me.

The man forcefully jerked me away from the crosswalk and began shoving me down the street. There weren't many people out which made it the perfect time for this exact situation. We walked down a dark alley before stopping.

???: You're probably wondering why this is happening, right? Well, to put it simply, you have to die to prevent the rise of a dangerous Devil. You understand, right? Sacrifice for the greater good is the best kind. Just know, this ain't personal, kid. Anything you want to say or a message you want to give someone? I'll pass it along for you.

I stayed silent for a few seconds, not answering the man. From what he just told me, I gathered he was hired to do this by someone, either a Public Safety agent with some serious connections or a criminal syndicate. It was also possible he was just a paranoid criminal who got his hands on a gun despite the ban put in place. I turned to face him, my hands hanging loosely at my sides.

Y/n: I have nothing to say, nor will I try to fight back.

???: Well that just makes my job easier. See you around, kid.

(3rd pov)

The man aimed his gun and lined the sights onto Y/n's forehead. Tightening his grip on the trigger, he pulled it.


The bullet shot forward and tore a hole through Y/n's head due to being fired at point-blank range. Y/n's eyes widened as his pupils became dilated. His body stood tall for a few seconds before falling back into the side of a dumpster with a thud. The man lowered his gun as a small trail of smoke left the barrel.

Satisfied with his work, he put the gun away and reached into his pocket for his phone. Dialing a number, he awaited the person to pick up.

??? 2: What is it?

???: I took care of the kid.

??? 2: Are you sure he's dead?

???: Pretty sure. The bullet hole is a dead giveaway.

??? 2: I see. I must say, I was not expecting you to call so soon after receiving the job.

???: What can I say? I'm a fast worker.

??? 2: Indeed.

???: When can I expect my payment?

??? 2: Any second now.

???: Pleasure working with you. Feel free to seek me out again should you find yourself in need of my services.

??? 2: Likewise, and I will. Until next time.

The call ended, leaving the man to take one last look at Y/n's corpse before leaving the alley. After he left, the area was silent save for the occasional hoot of an owl. The distant sounds of traffic could be heard but other than that the area was completely silent. The unnamed killer Walked home that night believing he had just helped end a potentially world-ending threat, but he couldn't have been more wrong.

The Kaiju Devil (Chainsaw Man x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now