Chapter 8

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I was surprised. They had so readily accepted me as part of their ranks only when I revealed my motivations and after the woman known as Makima proposed I join her division. Of course, I knew now that she was human in name alone, but I said nothing. The fact that Himeno told me they didn't have any Devils in their hierarchy meant that she didn't know and neither did anyone else. That meant Makima had everyone in Public Safety wrapped around her finger in one way or another. I couldn't let my emotions bleed through though, so I kept a straight face and put on a surprised but grateful smile when the higher-up spoke.

Makima: We'll work on making you a member of Division 4 at a later date. For today, I'll introduce you to your partner and then get you registered in the system. Tomorrow, you'll be introduced to the rest of my people. Sound good?

Y/n: The sooner I get started, the better.

Makima: Excellent. Follow me then, please.

She stood up from her seat and beckoned for me to follow her. Himeno gave me a two-finger salute as I passed her. I simply chuckled and did the same. Makima and I left the room and passed the secretary before entering the elevator. She pressed the button for floor 5 and leaned against the wall as the doors closed and we began to move. I avoided her gaze as per Godzilla's warning but I could feel her glaring at me as if trying to burn a hole through my psyche.

Makima: So, Y/n. Why don't you tell me about yourself?

Y/n: There's not much to tell. I had a fairly normal life up until I turned nine and then my whole world was ripped away in the span of a single afternoon.

Makima: No no, I don't mean that. I mean things like what your hobbies are. I don't want to make you feel like you have to keep things from me. As your supervisor, it's my job to make you feel comfortable in your new work environment.

Y/n: Truth be told, I don't have a lot of hobbies. Most of my time was spent trying to get by and make ends meet. Honestly, it's a miracle I was able to get where I was before this whole thing happened.

Makima: What do you mean by that?

Y/n: I'd rather not say.

Makima: Oh, alright.

Y/n: What about you?

Makima: It's always been my dream to fight Devils and protect people, so naturally I joined Public Safety as soon as I was able. I worked my way up until I was given command of Division 4.

Y/n: And how long did that take?

Makima: About ten years, give or take.

Y/n: Well, I could care less if I get promoted. I don't care about having a flashy office or a big paycheck. Fighting Devils is good enough for me.

Makima: You're an interesting person.

Y/n: Why is that?

Makima: People here usually join for one of two reasons. They either join because of their families or because they lost their families. The former usually join to protect their loved ones and support them with the money they make while the latter join at the prospect of getting revenge.

Y/n: Which one are you?

Makima: Neither. I never knew my family so I do not need to support them or get revenge. I joined for myself.

Y/n: Once I accomplish my goal and help this Kaiju get what he wants, I don't know what I'll do next. I probably shouldn't be thinking about the future so soon after beginning this new journey, but I can't help it.

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