Chapter 9

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I followed Riku as we walked along the busy streets of Tokyo. He had been ignoring me ever since we left and it didn't sit right with me.

Y/n: So are you just gonna stay silent or what?

Riku: Shut up.

Y/n: I'll take that as a yes.

We continued walking for several more minutes before Riku eventually pulled me into an alley. There was nothing there of import so I turned around to ask why we were there when a fist met my face and knocked me into a pile of trashbags.

Y/n: What the fuck was that for?!

Riku: Because I felt like it and I don't like looking at you.

Y/n: That makes two of us.

Riku: Why do you think I was paired up with you?

Y/n: So-

Riku: So you don't go berserk and level a city. Makima authorized me to use whatever means necessary to keep you in line. Your new life in Public Safety won't be as cushy as you were expecting. Fiends are expendable and scum. They're meant to be used until they outlive their usefulness and you're no different. Maintaining your humanity doesn't mean you get special treatment.

Y/n: Sounds like you've got a grudge. Wanna talk about it?

I said that last part in a mocking tone because I knew it would piss him off. His brow furrowed as he growled.

Riku: Watch your tone, filth. I'm deadset on proving to Makima and the higher-ups that you're going to fail as a devil hunter. I respect only the strongest of hunters and you are not one of them. I don't care if your contract was with the Kaiju Devil or the Gun Devil itself. You will obey my orders or you'll find another bullet in your head.

Y/n: How did you know that?

Riku: I don't have to answer your questions. Prove yourself to me and I might give you the same respect I give to Makima and the Captain. Your life is in my hands now, so I suggest you take things seriously from here on out.

I got up from the ground and brushed myself off, but it was too late. The stench of garbage was already on me.

Riku: Your first task in my charge is to kill a Devil. I don't care how you do it, I want a Devil's head on my desk by tomorrow.

He turned and left without another word. I watched as he left the alley and then disappeared. I stood dumbfounded at what I'd just experienced.

"What an asshole."

Y/n: Got that right.

"I suppose we can hold off on locating Chainsaw for the time being and focus on this instead."

Y/n: The only problem with that is I have no idea where to begin.

"Shouldn't be too hard. Devils are everywhere these days and he never specified at what time tomorrow."

Y/n: True. I suppose we could start looking in the more crime-oriented areas of town. There's bound to be a few of them there. I'll keep an eye out on the way over too.

"If I happen to sense one before you see it then I'll let you know."

Y/n: Thanks.

I stretched before leaping out of the alley and onto the roof of a building. 

(3rd pov)

Riku walked through the entrance of the Public Safety office after leaving Y/n in the alley. He despised Devils more than anything and even though he believed fighting them was pointless due to how they reincarnated, he still intended to give his all until he found something else to do. He approached his desk and sat down again. Leaning back in his chair, he watched as the other hunters walked around as they worked.

The Kaiju Devil (Chainsaw Man x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now