Chapter 7: The Exorcist

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This chapter contains Romanian and a rough translation. Please don't hate on me, google translator was my only friend so translation is not 100% accurate. Translations are in the ()'s so you don't have to google it. Eat some food, drink water, and go to sleep my peeps <3


Misty's POV

You sat on the ground as you flipped open your spell book, making sure to keep an eye on the child...

and the Muma Padurii hovering above her. It was disturbing to see one, as they only typically live and stay in the forest. Her skin was a deep tan as her black silky hair flowed down her back. Her dress was a bit too big on her bony frame as it draped to the ground. Her long fingernails gently caressed K's face, making her squirm at the slight contact. You narrow your eyes at the woman as she continues to just stare at the frail looking child. You clear your throat before addressing the Muma Padurii.

"Privet!" the creature didn't move

'Okay not Russian...' the voice muttered

"I told you it was Romanian, why of all languages Russian?" you whispered back

'In my defense some people speak Russian here.'

You just roll your eyes as you begin to clear your throat again.

"Buna Ziua?"


The Muma Padurii slowly turned her head to face you. Her pointed ears twitched slightly as her blackened eyes stared at you with intense curiosity. Her teeth were sharp and yellow as her tanned lips parted slightly.

"Muritor prost," she spat while rolling her eyes

(Stupid mortal,)

You scoff and stare at her with disbelief.

"Încercând să mă păcălească să cred că mă poate vedea de fapt!"

(Trying to trick me into thinking she can actually see me!)

"De fapt, pot să te văd și să te aud foarte multe."

(I can actually see and hear you as well.)

You cross your arms and stare daggers at the Muma Padurii as she stares back in disbelief. She moves to the side and your eyes follow her.

"Ce ești și ce vrei?" she asked as her eyes narrow and she gives you a wary look

(Who are you and what do you want?)

"Misty Gale." you answer, "și vreau să-l lași pe acel copil în pace."

(and I want you to leave that child alone.)

She looked at you, then at K, then back at you.

"De ce? Încerc să o ajut."

(Why? I'm trying to help her.)

You rapidly blinked, trying to comprehend what she just said. You stood up and walked to the other side of the bed, making sure to stand across from the Muma Padurii.

"Dacă nu o ucizi... atunci ce este?"

(If you're not killing her...then what is?)

The Muma Padurii was about to answer when suddenly K began to scream and thrash around. Her already pale skin turned white as the blue of her veins became more visible. She opened her eyes and to your horror they were pitch black. The Muma Padurii jumped onto the child and began saying a spell, you quickly ready another as black smoke began to pour out of the child's lips, eyes, and nose. It slowly formed into a black angry cloud as it roared to life, red orbs shining as eyes pierced through your skull.

Showing no fear you lasso a magical string around it as it tugged and thrashed around, wanting desperately to go back into its host. You began to chant a spell, your voice loud over the screaming, thrashing child and the roaring, formless demon overhead. As you tussled with the demon you hoped that no one opened the door, hoped and prayed.

Miranda's POV

You were sitting in the living area with the Morr's. While John looked at ease, his wife on the other hand looked terrified, like she was going to faint at any moment. He cleared his throat and your eyes snapped towards him as he began to speak, a hint of unease laced within his voice.

"S-so Mother Miranda," he began, "May I ask as to why you had The Witch look at our daughter, I-I mean it's just some simple night terrors that'll-"

You raise your hand and John clamps his mouth shut with an audible click.

"I am aware of your daughter's problems, but I'm afraid this isn't just simple 'night terrors' but something much deeper." you could hear John's heartbeat accelerate while sweat began to appear on his forehead.

You were also vaguely aware of his wife's fast heartbeat and the way she slightly shifted in her seat.

"What about you Shara?" you asked, turning to her, "You've been awfully... quiet." you narrow your eyes slightly as you peer through your bird mask

Shara's eyes flickered to her husband before back to you, a silent plea sounding from her blue eyes as she answered you.

"I don't think anything's wrong,"


"Just some simple night terrors."

John nodded in agreement, while you leaned forward a bit. You stood up and pointed a finger at Shara before walking away, motioning for her to follow. She quickly did so, making sure to check if John was following her before quickly leading you into the kitchen.

"What's actually going on Shara, and don't lie to me, you know that won't end well." you say in a low, dangerous tone

The woman visibly shuttered before licking her dry lips.

"It's John, ever since K's 16th birthday, he's been looking at her in a... predatory way," she began, careful to keep her voice low, "Every time he's near her it looks as if he's about to pounce on her. I'm trying my best to keep him away from her but I don't know how much I can keep this up." while her voice was still soft, she choked a little upon confessing.

You place a hand on her shoulder and she slightly flinches.

"Shara, what has that man done to you?"

She let out a shaky breath before answering, tears visible in the brim of her eyes.

"He hits me Mother Miranda," she choked, "he'll yell at me for keeping K away from him, then beat me, choke me, and leave me on the ground bleeding, only for me to clean up the mess later."

Her tears began to run freely as a quiet sob escaped her fair skinned lips. You didn't really know how to comfort others so you just settled for an awkward pat on the back.

"I don't know what to do Mother Miranda," she sobbed, "I've only been able to lock K's door at night and hide the key, hoping, praying to the Black Gods that John doesn't find it. That he doesn't break into her room one night and do unspeakable things to her."

Rage filled inside you as your brain began to think of a plot to get rid of the man. That disgusting, horrible, man.

"Don't worry Shara," you cooed to the woman, "I'll take care of him, don't you worry."

She only nodded. Just then John came in and when he saw Shara in tears his smile was replaced with false sympathy, but his eyes only held anger.

"Is everything okay in here?" he asked, his voice filled with fake concern, "I heard crying."

You were about to answer when an ear piercing scream erupted from K's room, along with the bone chilling sounds of a demonic roar. The Morrs looked at the door with fearful concern as John began to move towards it.

"John don't-"

It was too late. He had sprinted to the door and was about to run into it. Time slowed as you couldn't react fast enough. You hope that whatever Misty was doing made her aware because you somehow knew, you wouldn't be able to stop the door from opening in time.

(Word Count: 1262)

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