Chapter 13: The Voice

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This chapter has rough translations of German, Romanian, and Italian. So if I said Hello wrong in any of these translations please correct me. Thx Peeps and remember to eat, sleep, and drink some water.



You just laid in your bed and stared at the ceiling. Ever since you got back home, well Misty's home, the voice had come back again. It's been whispering into your ear, desperately wanting to make conversation.

'Hello again'

You ignore him






(German: Hello?)

'Buna Ziua?'

(Romanian: Hello?)


(Italian: Hello?)

"By the black gods, what!?" you finally snap

'I just wanna start over sheesh. You know, reintroduce ourselves.'

You pause for a moment, before reluctantly agreeing to his proposal. Only so he can shut up and leave you alone.

"Fine." you spat, "My name's Kattie Morr, or just K for short. I'm 16 and I think I'm going insane."

You could hear a deep chuckle ring in your ears before the voice answered.

'You can just call me Asher.' he purred, 'And I'm a demon from hell, specifically a Level 7 demon.'

You were shocked by his, well Asher's, forwardness. You were still wary, and now a bit afraid of him, but you were also curious, and your curiosity overwhelmed your sense of unease.

"Where did you even come from? What do you even want?!"

Your heart started to race as the entity made a low hush in your mind.

"Oh, sweet child. I was born from your thoughts, your feelings, your emoticons." he paused for a moment to take a breath as you stayed silent. "I only want to help you K. I want to make all your pain and misery go away."

You shake your head and stand up from your bed. You needed to clear your mind, and fast. Before you could reach the door, you catch your reflection in the nearby body mirror. You stop and turn, fulling facing it and taking in the reflection that wasn't your own. Although it was still your body, your skin was a sickly gray, and your eyes glowed a bright red. Your hair was a bright blond, almost a silvery white as it ran down your shoulders. You walk closer to the mirror and your reflection smiles at you. A smile that you weren't wearing.

'See this?' Asher purrs as your reflection points to herself, 'This could be as one, just let me in. Touch the mirror and all your pain will go away.'

You shake your head and rush out the room, desperate to get away from yourself. You go into the living room, only to spot Misty cooking in the kitchen, the smells of dinner drifting into your nose. You decide it would be best to tell her about Asher and go to talk to her, but he stops you.

'No!' he yells, 'She can not help us. She'll only bring us closer to death.'

You feel a hand on your shoulder and you quickly snap your eyes up. Misty's standing in front of you, a bit of a worried look in her face.

"Are you okay?" she asked

"I'm fine." you were quick to respond, you wanted to tell her, but decided against it, not wanting to bother her with it.

'Good girl...very good girl' the voice whispers, making a shiver shoot down your spine as he retreats into the back of your mind.

Misty's POV

You were cooking dinner when you saw K just standing nearby, her arms crossed and her eyes held a distant look. You look a bit further up and your eyes widen as you see a black mass hovering over her. It looked to be whispering into her ears as she desperately tried to ignore him. Only when you tapped on her shoulder was she able to snap out of it.

"Are you okay?" you asked, genuinely concerned

"I'm fine." She was quick to respond.

You looked at her suspiciously before you lifted her chin up to look at you.

"K, is everything alright? I just wanna help-"

"Help?! You just wanna help?!" she snapped, catching you by surprise, "If you want to help, start telling me what the hell is going on! Why have I been taken from my mother and father? What is happening to me? Am I sick? Or dying, or just going insane?!"

'Probably insanity, it seems to run in the family.' the voice remarked back, but you just ignored them

You gently place two hands on her shoulders and made her look you in the eyes. She stared into them and you could see her face relax as you continued to sooth her. She breaks down into tears as you bring her close into a hug, making sure to squeeze her is a tight and rasuring way.

When she eventually calms down she hesitantly asks for something to eat. You just smiled and nodded your head before sitting her down at the dining table before giving her food. It was only some baked chicken, potatoes and carrots, but then again, you can make anything for a meal with the right ingredients. You go into the living room and snuggle up into the couch and eat your food while reading a book.

When K's done she washes her silverware before walking in front of you. You glance up at her before bookmarking your page and closing the book, giving her your full attention.

"Yes K?"

"C-can I see my mother?" her voice was low and timid as she shifted from foot to foot, "I just miss her and-"

You gave a small chuckle and smiled up at her, "Of course K. In a week's time, you'll see your mother."

For the first time today, K smiled a genuine smile. She thanked you before heading back into her room. After tidying your mess up in the kitchen, you sit back onto the sofa to read, only to go to bed an hour later. Soon the house went dark as you fell into a deep sleep, awaiting for the next morning.

(Word Count: 974)

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