Chapter 20: Tuesday October 31, 1967: All Hallows Eve

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I am feeling motivated this weekend and also a bit devious, so enjoy my peeps :)


Miranda's POV

The night of the All Hallows Eve festival was a lively one to say the least. There were the sounds of laughter and smiling faces everywhere. The air was crisp but your feathers and robes kept you warm from the cold. This was also the one time of year that you and your children could walk in the village without you worrying too much about them killing anyone. While these people were still nothing but pawns to you, you couldn't simply kill them all...not yet at least.

You had not only Alcina with you, but also Karl, Salvador, and Alcina's three daughters. It didn't take long for the daughters to buzz away with the promise to keep warm and stay out of trouble, leaving you with your daughter and two sons. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't get that half-ass kiss out your head. The scene had replayed a million times in your head, over and over, each time making you feel worse than the last. You were only pulled out when Alcina's posh yet soothing voice called your name.

"Mother Miranda, are you alright? You seem to be a bit...distracted."

She said in a worried tone as you tried to refocus.

"Hmm? Oh, yes I'm fine, just a bit lost in thought."

Karl's gruff and aggressive voice jumped in, unfortunately reminding you of nails on a chalkboard.

"Well, you've been losing yourself too damn much!"

He said in an aggressive tone, his voice loud and nearly yelling. He, like Alcina, had been given the cadou. While his height hadn't changed drastically nor did he need blood to live, he did gain some magnetic abilities. Although, he was one of your least favorite given his disrespectful mannerisms and tendencies to dress like a hobo who hasn't showered in weeks.

"Karl, mind your volume."

You muttered in slight irritation, your feathers ruffling slightly. The man scoffs and rolls his eyes, only making you more frustrated.

"Why?! I'm outside!"

Before you could say more, Salvador comes up with a rather innocent smile on his face. I hadn't gotten the time to implant the cadou into him yet, so he was a bit of an oddball with the rest of his siblings. He wasn't exactly good looking, but he did have a good build for a sailor. Yet he always looked sickly pale, and his black hair was fraying as he was starting to bald. The poor man was 46 and had seen better days...maybe the cadou can restore his youth...

"Hey guys, I got you these!"

He said a bit excitedly and held up some caramel candy apples for us to take. You honestly felt bad for the man, since he was often outcasted for being a bit different. All he wanted was affection, and while you tried to provide that, it was hard seeing that you could only love one child, your little Eva. You sighed and wanting to please the poor man, you took the candy apple from him and so did Alcina. You and your daughter thank him with a small smile, but with Karl being, well, Karl, he simply snatched it from his hands.


He grumbles, scoffing a bit and rolling his eyes.

"I need a drink."

Karl stalks off elsewhere, leaving you with mild frustration and a sad looking Salvador. You could tell Alcina felt a bit bad, but was also reluctant when she took Salvador elsewhere to do some of the activities. You knew it was only a ploy to get you to see Alcina as a favorite, and while she was your most prized experiment, she would always be second from your Eva. With everyone gone, you held your candy apple in your hand still, now alone in the mass of people.

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