Chapter 22: Winter Horror Wonderland

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Things weren't the same for you after the festival. You could see the changes in yourself and it not only terrified you...but made you a bit...excited. With the seasons going and passing, it wasn't long before winter time hit, and with winter came the cold and with the cold came snow. It's been two months since the festival and you've taken note of a lot of things. One being, besides your own changes, that Mother Miranda had stopped talking to Misty. It's taken a damper on her overall mood and you hate to say it, but some twisted part of you enjoys the fact that Misty is hurting.

With the winter months coming, Misty has been reinforcing the house and having you help. You'd see her hammering planks of wood onto the roof for installation, buying and making more blankets, storing and preparing food, the whole nine yards like a bear preparing for hibernation. You help too, right now by folding the blankets on the couch in a neat pile and trying to ignore the now more prominent voice in your mind.

'Whatcha doin'?'

He pestered, snickering to himself.

"Nothing that you can help with..."

You muttered back, not wanting to draw attention. Especially from Misty.

'But I can help with anything, anything you desire~'

"Leave me be..."

You muttered in an irritated tone, already tired of his voice. You look outside of the window and could spot Misty in the garden, gathering up the remainder of her fruits and vegetables to store for the winter. She was smiling slightly and humming a small toon, unfamiliar to you, yet seeing her so happy and carefree made you feel a bit...bitter.

'Look at her.'

The voice sneers in a condescending tone.

'Always so happy-go-lucky for no damn reason. If only you could be that happy...'

He mocked slightly and you rolled your eyes.

"I am happy."

You lied, your tone strong but wavering a bit.

"Misty takes care of me, I get to visit mother often, and Vallery even likes me back."

You listed, trying to convince the voice you were happy...but maybe you were simply trying to convince yourself more than the voice in your head...

"Just leave her be."

You muttered, but the voice refused to give up.

"Ahh yes, Vallery. Isn't she such a charmer? That night at the festival was one to remember, no?'

You shuttered a bit, but you couldn't keep your cheeks from heating up and turning into a faint red as you recall the memory.


You muttered, unable to speak up more at the moment. You could feel the twisted grin he gave in your mind and he snickered softly.

'Now who do you think gave you all that confidence to kiss her back? To make her feel good?~'

You shuttered from not only being grossed out, but from the realization hitting you like a ton of bricks. You'd always put on a brave face, but in reality, you're a very timid and scared person. You hid behind a façade of confidence when literally the smallest gust of wind could break you. This thing, the voice speaking to you, that was your confidence, manifested in a twisted, evil manner...

'You realize that now? That I'm that confidence you seem to lack, bigger and stronger than before.'

The voice teases and you could feel the smirk on his face. You can't help but gulp in fear, instinctively looking out the window again to make sure Misty wasn't paying attention.

'So why not do something to help yourself...?'

He questioned and you shuttered again.

'You know you hate her...that...Misty. Why not make her life a bit more...difficult. Can't live life without a few struggles along the way.'

He suggests, its tone obviously manipulative, but to you it was simply speaking the truth. You really weren't happy. You not only hated Misty, but also Mother Miranda for taking you away from your family, you hated Misty's happy attitude and you couldn't help but feel yourself filled with bitter jealousy.

'Why don't you place another Jinx on her?'

He purred as if his voice was right next to you and all you had to do was turn around and face it. Another? You've never placed a Jinx on her, not as far as you knew at least...


You asked in confusion, not only curious about the Jinx, but also when you even performed one. You could feel him nodding and hear him humming from deep down his throat.

'Nothing bad. Last time you caused her food to burn a bit. A Jinx is harmless, it's just a...minor...inconvenience'

He muttered nonchalantly and you think for a moment. It's nothing bad, just something slightly irritating in life. You slowly start to nod your head in agreement, the idea of making something go slightly wrong for Misty making you feel a bit proud inside.

"What...what should I Jinx her with?"

You asked a bit meekly, your voice a bit frail and wavering slightly. At this point the task of folding the blankets had been abandoned, and the new task of Jinxing the witch had now been made. The being paused for a moment, almost in thought, before speaking once more.

'Make her reinforcements on her house fail. Nothing too big, just a few nails or two falling or a plank collapsing.'

You gulp at the suggestion, but don't see anything too wrong with it...


You whispered, licking your dry lips.

"Nothing too big..."

You felt him grin as your gaze went back to Misty who was now placing her plants in baskets. You hear his voice in your mind and could only follow along in a small whisper, going word by word as if you had done this once before.

'Ego hanc domum os infrigidando Jinx...'

"Ego hanc domum os infrigidando Jinx ..."

(I Jinx this house with bone chilling cold...)

'Pro munitione frangere, deficere et cadere. Nebulosus, ego Jinx you.'

"Pro munitione frangere, deficere et cadere. Nebulosus, ego Jinx you."

(For the defenses to break, fail, and fall. Misty, I Jinx you.)

You shuttered as the Jinx was said, the effects to happen at any point in time. With one final syllable, the voice in your head went silent once more, until it was to be awoken once again.

(Word Count: 1005)

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