Chapter 16: So Many Secrets We Can't Tell

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I'm back and alive and hopefully updating again :)


Misty's POV

You shot up with a loud gasp. That vision was too real...too intense, like you were literally there. It took you a moment to even register you're awake and in a bed- wait...a bed? You finally noticed Miranda beside you, rubbing your back and telling you it was okay, that you're safe now.

"Pen and paper!"

You say and frantically point to the pen and stack of blank paper nearby. You needed to draw the vision before it left your mind for good. Miranda looks at you confused and raises an eyebrow.


She asked in what could be mistaken as concern.

"What do you need it for?"

"If you won't get it, I'll do it myself."

You threatened and started getting out of bed. Miranda, surprisingly, pushes you back down and gets you the pen and paper. With frantic speed, you draw the shadow monster with red eyes, the title simply reading 'Be Prepared to Die'. With the drawing done, your trembling body calms itself and you let out a shuddering breath. Remembering Miranda, you look to face her and her eyes are wide and her face is pale. She looks obviously disturbed and maybe even a bit afraid.

"What the hell Misty?!"

She scolds and you jump in surprise.

"Tell me what's going on! All this shit about demons and witches doesn't make any sense!"

She berates in a demanding tone. You rolled your eyes and looked at her with a small scoff.

"Don't worry about it."

You deadpanned a bit sarcastically. You didn't need her getting all tangled up in this, demons are no laughing matter, and your visions either.

"Why not?!"

She demanded, her eyes narrowing as she folded her arms. She looked like a mother getting ready to scold me for stealing cookies in the dead of night.

"I'm..." she pauses for a moment, "disturbed."

For a moment you felt like she was going to say worried, but nonetheless, you continued to shrug it off.

"It's nothing. Just dreams. I have...sleeping spells."

That's a lie, well, more like a half truth. The visions are dream-like and put me in a sleep-like state, but it's never that simple.

"Oh sure they are."

She snaps before throwing all your drawings on your lap. The one's from previous visions, all equally disturbing in their own right.

"What about all this?"

She demands and gestures to the drawings.

"Talk about disturbing! You're snooping!"

You call her out with a small smirk, thinking you've won by turning the tables. Her cheeks turned red, but she doesn't easily back down.

"Misty, I found you passed out in front of my hidden door with a BOBBY PIN in the lock!"

She countered back and the room grew silent. Looks like we'd both been snooping when we shouldn't have been. Before either of us got the chance to say anything, you heard the sound of K screaming bloody murder. You leap out of bed and race to the source of the sound, Miranda right behind you. Rounding a corner, you see K curled into a ball, rocking back and forth, the words 'Stop' and 'No' are audible in her soft whispering.

You look above her to see her Chaos Demon hovering above her in a mass of black shadows. It looks to be whispering in her ear, but you can't make out what it's saying. You see Miranda out of the corner of your eye looking confused as to why you're just standing there.


You warn but she just rolls her eyes and takes a step forward. You attempt to grab her wrist to stop her, but she quickly pulls away and takes a few steps towards the girl. A nearby vase comes flying and crashes into the wall, nearly hitting Miranda's head. Jumping back quickly, Miranda lands in your arms and you quickly catch her, upon realizing where she'd landed she quickly leaves your arms and you just smirked at her with a sly smile.

"I warned you."

You muttered and shook your head with a snicker. Miranda rolls her eyes and shoots you a glare before reluctantly taking a step back from the crying K. You look at the girl and see her eyes flicker red, causing alarms to frantically go off inside your mind. You're by her side in moments, placing your hands on her cheeks and making her look at you.

"Focus on me dear."

You commanded with motherly sternness, making her meet your eyes instantly.

"I need you to focus on my eyes and find your way out."

You continue to guide her, and for a moment you think she's out of the woods...that is until her eyes momentarily go completely red and a book comes barreling towards your head. Miranda was quick enough this time to catch the book, saving you from even more brain damage. You can't thank her now though, so with a small sigh you closed your eyes and cast a spell.

"Daemon intus omni tempore claudatur."

(The demon is locked inside all the time.)

"Nemo intus tenebras cognoscat, nisi lumen quod perlucet."

(No one knows the darkness within, except the light that shines.)

"Sit vox susurrus tacitus ne quis iterum audiat."

(Let it be a silent whispering voice that no one will hear again)

K's eyes rolled back and she collapsed into your arms. Miranda, who was still holding the book, just shook her head with a sigh.

"What are you going to do?"

She asked in a whisper. She was right in a way...sooner or later, you'll have to deal with this demon...but not now...

"Let her rest."

You sighed and picked K up, carrying her to the room upstairs you woke up in. This might be the end of this conversation...for now. 


Remember to sleep, drink water, and eat :)


(Word Count: 936)

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