Chapter 23: The Witch's House is Falling Down

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Misty's POV

After spending the day reinforcing the house, night fell and the chill of winter and snow came. The wind raged outside with the sudden snowstorm, making small rocks hit the windows and creating a small tapping noise with each hit. You didn't expect the sudden storm and grew more and more worried by the minute.

"I didn't think it'd be this harsh tonight..."

You muttered to yourself, concern of the damage that might come to your poor house. You had thankfully gathered the remaining food in your garden and had made soup for tonight that K was eating now. You take note of how silent the 16-year-old is and how harsh her glare is, and it worries you more and more each day. You can't help but want to protect and mother her, like an old feeling long ago you never got to explore until now.

"Are you...okay?"

You asked in a soft yet concerned voice. She raises her gaze to you, her blue eyes no longer shining with teenage innocence, but now cold harshness.

"I'm fine."

She deadpans before returning back to her soup.

'Um...look up...'

You heard that rare voice in your head mutter and you looked up above K. Your eyes widened and you froze. It was the Demon. It was out...and angry. You locked it up, there was no way it should be here, let alone this strong...and why is it so big?

"Are you sure K?"

You asked in soft gentleness, keeping an eye on the demon.

"I'm fine!"

She snapped and you flinched a bit. The demon was controlling her against her will and that was not a good sign. You gulped and eyed the latter to your room, knowing you needed to do something, and quickly.

"I'm going to go grab something real quick."

You muttered slowly and cautiously, keeping an eye on her as you slowly moved away. Once out of her eyesight, you quickly rush to get your spell book, trying to find a spell that you can perform. That demon needed to go. Now. As you flipped frantically through the endless pages you feel a chill crawl up your spine. Someone was behind you...and you sighed softly at that.

"K...I know that's you"

You said softly and slowly turned to the girl. You winced a bit at the darker aura and her now red, glowing eyes. She gives you a wide, sadistic grin and speaks, her voice deep and raspy now.

"K's not here right now."

"...I know..."

You muttered and looked at her with sad eyes. You couldn't help but feel a ping of hurt and sadness at knowing that poor child was suffering.

"Then what are you going to do about it"

He taunts, trying to provoke you further. You scowled further, your patience nonexistent with the demon.

"Let the girl go!"

"Make me!"

With your frustration and determination building, you begin to use your magic, the purple strands dancing around your hands and glowing dimly. Your tone turned cold and stoic, your voice powerful as your eyes glowed a brighter purple.

"I will not ask again..."

He gave a twisted grin at that, and to your surprise brandishes his own magic, but red instead of your purple.


3rd Person POV

Misty was a powerful witch and not one to tempt into a magic duel, yet this demon was not a weakling either. While the gentle witch did not want to hurt the teenager's body, the demon saw that as a weakness, a weakness easily exploited. The room is silent and tense before the demon finally strikes. He throws his hand up, shooting a blast of pure red energy at her, which Misty counters with a simple shield.

This is the right hand maiden of the Devil himself, a Queen amongst the lesser demons. She is not to be trifled with...and such weak spells will do nothing against her. Her main goal stayed the same however: Don't harm K, Restrain her. The Demon continued to throw spell after spell at her, each more and more intense than the last. The shield eventually shatters and Misty has no choice but to throw her own blast of energy at the Demon, throwing him to the wall with a loud crash. He drops to the ground with a pained chuckle, his gaze flicking back to her. Unknown to the witch, white feathers started to spring up from her hair and her eyes were flickering to that golden color, that same color when K's father had slapped her. Her irises had turned a bright gold-like yellow, her pupils were slowly shrinking significantly smaller, becoming more and more crazy looking as Misty used more and more of her magic.

"There's the great White Owl Lady the demons in hell speak so highly of! Show me more!"

The demon growled before standing on all fours and lunging at her with a loud, unholy growl. Misty moves out the way just in time for a claw to swipe by and thinking quickly, she uses her magic to pull a nearby vase off its table and smash it straight into the side of her head. K's body falls limp from the forceful impact that racked up her brain a bit.

Misty's POV

You panted, trying to recover some breath from that short yet slightly intense battle. You attempted to bind the demon back in the mental prison you had trapped it in once before, but this time your spell faltered. The demon had grown too strong for a simple binding spell and to use more magic...that would be even worse. Before you could think of something more, your house creaked and groaned and that's when you realized the wind was ripping your reinforcements apart. You felt the cold chill of the storm outside starting to seep in and damping the warmth of the fires.

You do the only thing you can at the moment. You can't stay here, not with your house falling apart and K in such a complicated state. You rush around your room, packing up essentials like clothes for both you and K, your spell book, and some sentimental items. You picked K up bridal style and proceeded to teleport as far as you could to the one person you knew would help you, yet haven't spoken to in over two months:

Mother Miranda

(Word Count: 1029)

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