Chapter 19: A Jinx

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Hey peeps, finally got over the writers block and managed to write this chapter. If anything, you guys are going to be screaming and possibly frustrated. So enjoy :)



With the months going and fading it was finally October and not only that, it was almost Halloween, a holiday you found to still be enjoyable. Yes, even at 16. You quickly get on some warm clothing and pass Misty in the kitchen.

"Take some hot cocoa to you and Vallery to keep you both warm!"

She called, motioning to the two cups full of the steaming liquid on the table. You glanced at the white haired woman in slight surprise. You never told her you were going with Vallery...but then again, you've seen her work magic like Mother Miranda, so you didn't question it.

"Thanks Misty!"

You called back cheerfully and grabbed the cups. You bolted out the door, grinning like a fool as you raced past the trees and into the forest to meet us with your best friend. Once there, you see the silvered haired teenager leaning against a tree waiting for you. Upon spotting you, she smiles and walks to you, her dark brown skirt swaying a bit.

"Hey K."

She greets and looks at the cups curiously.

"What's that?"

She questions, unable to see what's in it thanks to the lid.

"Misty made hot cocoa, it's actually really good."

You extend your arm and hand her the other cup, which she gladly takes. Within a few sips and some walking you were both pleasantly warm from the slight chill in the Romanian air. While comfortable in silence, you wanted to speak since it's been a while since you've been able to have a conversation. Sure Misty is great but she's sometimes too energetic, while that wasn't a bad thing, she needed to go out more and socialize.

"You know K, you should come over sometime again."

Vallery muttered, beating you in saying something. You could see she was getting a bit lonely without you, and truth be told, you were too.

"I can't,"

You sigh, looking down at the sky to take in the autumn leaves for a moment.

"Father would try to take me away from Misty again...and I don't even think that's my father I'm looking at anymore."

You said in a bit of an upset tone as you glanced at Vallery again.


She agreed with a sigh and sipped the hot chocolate. You take another sip too, but nearly spit it back out from how hot it was. It's amazing how Vallery had such an immunity to the heat.

"Oh, speaking of which, there was that one night your father actually came looking for you to take you back from Misty."

She said thoughtfully, her eyes squinted a bit.


You questioned

"When was this?"

"All the way back in May I believe."

She said in a nonchalant yet confused manner."

"They came with torches and pitchforks too. They wanted to kill Misty and take you back, but something stopped them. They said it was some kind of unnatural beast but..."

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