Chapter 17: Dinner with the Dimitrescu Part 1.

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Hello! I finally found the time to update! I'm happy I can finally give you guys something to read, and I hope you all have a good day


An Hour Later

Misty's POV

You come back downstairs with a small sigh. K was fine, but she needed rest, and for the most part it wasn't too difficult to keep her down. You're just worried the demon in her is whispering nonsense. After not being able to find Miranda for a moment, you turn into the kitchen and nearly get jump scared by Miranda standing at the counter, eating some fruits and seeds. An awkward silence fills the air when those cold eyes meet yours.

"How's K?"

She finally asked after a moment of you just staring very...very awkwardly.


You strained out, trying not to make the situation much more difficult than it necessary. Miranda just gives a simple nod before drinking what looks like tea from a nearby cup. The deafening silence falls over the both of them once more and again, you're stuck at the entrance of the kitchen as you shift awkwardly from foot to foot, avoiding all eye contact.

"I got a call from my daughter and she wants to invite you for dinner as an apology."

Miranda suddenly said, breaking the weird silence.


You asked in your typical, owl-like manner. She sighs and rolls her eyes over the rim of her tea cup.

"Her daughters trashed your house."

She deadpanned before eating some of her snacks, shutting down any quick conversation. Your face lights up in realization and you nodded a bit.


You said almost thoughtfully

"Can K come too? She wants to see her mother."

You questioned, almost like a wishful child asking for candy. This causes the crow woman to sigh and roll her eyes almost looked as if she had a smirk on her face.

"I guess."

She muttered

"But I'm coming too."

She informed, using a tone that left no room for protest.


You said cheerfully.

"I absolutely did not want to go alone."

After rolling her eyes for the third time, Miranda disappeared into a flurry of black feathers to get ready. You unconsciously take one, stuffing it in your cleavage out of sight, before excitedly going to get yourself and K ready. You just hope all goes smoothly, you're meeting Miranda's daughter and her granddaughters; who all trashed your house and went through your stuff; after all.

House Dimitrescu

Once you get to the massive castle, you're completely and utterly blown away by it, finding it not only creepy, but also quite alluring in a sense. While K is also looking in fascination, she also has this look of intense fear, which to be is quite intimidating. Miranda clearing her throat catches your attention and you and K both turn quickly to face her.

"While we're here, both of you must be on your best behavior..."

She says sternly...although she was looking at mainly you and not both you and K...wonder why. All three of you walked to the entrance and before you walked in, Miranda suddenly turned back to you.

"And one more thing. Don't mention Lady Dimitrescu's height..."

She warned in a rather serious tone.

"She's rather...sensitive about it."

You and K both nodded, agreeing to say nothing about it. With that finale day, you three all walk in, the mission: Get Miranda's daughter and grandkids to like me. Easy enough...right? You enter inside the old castle and walk up the stairs and the first thing that you see is a painting of three women.

They're beautiful.' you say in your head in slight awe.

You read the caption underneath as you passed by it, 'Three Daughters, Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra.' it read. Looking back at the painting for a moment you give a small smile...they really were beautiful. You walked into a large hall with four weird looking statues in the center of it, just then a booming and oddly posh voice was heard from the top of the stairs as the giant doors swing open.

"Welcome Mother Miranda, it truly is lovely to see you again."

You turn to face the voice and your jaw just drops as you openly marvel at the quite attractive woman before you. This woman has to be at least 9 feet! This is amazing!

"My goodness you are tall."

You say in pure astonishment your, jaw still hanging open. Miranda immediately face palms and gives you an 'You're an idiot' glace, K does too, although a more frightened one. The tall woman nods slightly as she narrows her eyes at you, her glare harsh under her golden eyes.

"I was expecting 6 feet or so, but you seem to pale in comparison."

You continued, absolutely gushing about this woman.

"You look well fitted for yourself, and you walk with an air of such confidence. Even with someone as massive as you, I highly doubt that anyone with half a brain would say no to you."

You looked at her body once again, a bit jealous of her curves.

"I dare say I'm quite jealous, your curves just make you look like the Greek goddess Athena."

As you complement the crap out of her, Lady Dimitrescu's cheeks start to heat up more and more, getting flustered over your complements. She shyly stammered a thank you and wiped away her blush just in time for a swarm of flies to burst in cackling. K cowers behind you as you stand protectively near her and you watch the three girls that had tashed your house, form before your eyes. Your eyes meet theirs and their jaws drop as they stare in astonishment, with a glare from their mother, they all step forward.

"Sorry for trashing your house."

They all apologized, although in different tones. The blond one was at least decent about it, the black haired one however was rather indifferent and didn't really give a damn, while the redhead seemed the most apologetic. In your eyes it was good enough and you just nodded your head in acceptance. The black haired one spots K and starts to pick on her and the other two join in, you're quick to hold K tightly against your body, shielding her from the girl's bullying and teasing. You never noticed Miranda's glare, only that the girl's faces went pale and they all slowly backed off. Just them Mrs. Moor walked past, sweeping the ground, when her eyes met K's both of them lit up like the sun. The sight reminded you of a feeling you'd so wished to forget...and it made you shutter a bit.

"Can I go with my mother?"

K asked in shy excitement as she looked at you for permission. You smiled softly and nodded, letting the girl go just as Lady D nodded at Mrs. Morr, giving her the day to spend time with her daughter. There's a moment of silence as the girl and her mother went off elsewhere, although...the black haired one keeps eyeing you.


She suddenly said, her eyes narrowed at you.

"Can I torture her in the basement?"

(Word Count: 1148)

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