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"nothing so needs reforming as other people's habits" - mark twain


Becky stood on the curb in front of the school, waiting for the arrival of her sister. Typically, when having a short workday, Becky would go home and try to catch up on some errands or do some cleaning around her apartment.

Knowing Taran, however, this would be more than going to meet a new artist in the area.

She would somehow convince Becky to go out for dinner, and, knowing how much her sister liked to talk, they wouldn’t be parting ways until much later in the evening.

Nevertheless, Becky was quick to decide that it was one of the few times in the week that she got to be with one of her siblings and that she should appreciate it.

After five minutes of waiting for her older sister, Taran eventually pulled up to the school. She had her windows rolled all the way down to allow her music to flow freely through them.

Becky climbed into the front seat and clipped her seatbelt in place before looking to Taran who was scrutinizing her with a look.

“What?” Becky asked, crinkling her nose in disapproval of her sister’s face.

“Why are you dressed like that?”

“Like what, Tar?”

“Like… like someone who’s not a teacher,” Taran said, head now tilted to the side in what could only be mock confusion.

Becky glanced down at her simple attire. Dark denim jeans, a white t-shirt, and an oversized coat with black ankle boots to match. It was what could be considered a very basic outfit.

“Don’t you have an appointment to make?” Becky asked, deciding to ignore her sister’s previous comment.

“Maybe we should cancel and go and get you some blouses and slacks.”

“I will get out of this car, Tartar.” Becky threatened, reaching for the handle of her door.

In response, Taran pressed on the gas and quickly tore away from the curb of the school.

“So, who’s this person we’re seeing today?”

“A new artist. She used to privately sell her work around Europe and Asia, and was pretty big there. I’m determined to get her pieces while they’re still on the cheaper side before people discover her and she raises the costs through the roof."

“And if she doesn’t succeed here?” Becky questioned, earning a glare from Taran.

“A) don’t jinx it; and B) I’m never wrong about up and coming artists.”

Becky raised her hands in mock surrender and laughed before reaching for the aux chord and plugging in her phone.

“None of that Rager shit you used to listen to in high school please,” Taran said, now earning a glare from Becky.

“Pretty sure I’m no longer an angsty teen,” Becky said, allowing some alternative-indie song to play out.

Taran laughed, “remember how much it used to worry Ma?”

“She thought I had anger issues for years!” Becky said with an amused laugh.

“Yeah, well, Ma's always been a bit of a worrier.”

The two reminisced in silence for a moment before opening up new conversations about their last week of work and whatnot. They enjoyed one another’s company for the twenty-minute drive it took to the get to the studio.

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