The Very Heart of Human Existence

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"who on earth would not long to be fought for? is this not the very heart of human existence, to be worth fighting for, worth losing everything for?" - andrew sean greer


When P'Beer stops by for her next home visit, Freen is much more prepared.

The house, despite looking lived in, had some sense of order, and Nita opted to not make pancakes that morning, which was a good bonus.

After running through her routine checklist and speaking with the girls in private, P'Beer sat with Freen at the kitchen table to go over what’s been running through Freen's mind.

“I have a good idea of what you want to ask, but why don’t you go ahead and tell me,” P'Beer said as she sipped a glass of water.

“I want to adopt the girls,” Freen said softly, doing her best to prevent the girls from hearing her from upstairs.

“I must say, I’m a bit surprised,” P'Beer said as she smiled lightly. “I saw it coming, but this is a drastic change from just a few months back.”

“I’ve really fallen for them. I can’t imagine my life without them,” Freen said, her excited smile growing some more.

“I can definitely look into it for you, but you have to remember that this sort of stuff isn’t a guarantee. I don’t want you to get your hopes up,” P'Beer reminded, sobering Freen a bit.

“I know. I know, I just, I still want to try,” Freen said, making P'Beer nod and pull something out from her bag.

“These things also take time. Nita could age out of the system before you are able to adopt them.”

“I’ll just adopt Emily then. I want to do this, P'Beer. I really do.”

P'Beer sorted through her bag some more before pulling out two pamphlets and setting them down in front of Freen.

“This has information about foster to adoption,” P'Beer said as she pointed to one pamphlet. “And this one has information about adopting a legal adult. If Nita ages out, you are still able to become her legal guardian.”

“I’ll do that then. I’ll make these girls my legal children no matter what,” Freen said, a certain finality in her tone that proved she would jump through whatever hoops she had to in order to be the legal mother of both her girls.

“I’ll do what I can for your family then,” P'Beer promised, making Freen smile grateful.


After speaking to P'Beer, Nita and Emily stayed in their room to give the two women some privacy downstairs.

It wasn't long after P'Beer left them alone, however, that Nita felt the urge to pee.

Moving quickly, the teen left her room and walked to the washroom. Just as she stepped past the threshold, Nita caught the tail end of something Freen said.

“I’ll just adopt Emily then. I want to do this, P'Beer. I really do.”

Nita felt like a stone had been dropped in her stomach. She wasn’t sure if she was going to be sick, or if she was going to punch a wall.

Freen didn’t want her. It didn’t surprise Nita. Not one bit. But it hurt, and Nita wasn’t entirely sure why that was.

Maybe it was because she thought Freen was kinder than that. That Freen would be nice enough to Emily to adopt the both of them. But maybe Emily didn’t need her anymore, and that’s why Freen was going to adopt her alone.

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