Many Kinds of Love

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"if it is true that there are as many minds as there are heads, then there are as many kinds of love as there are hearts" - leo tolstoy


After returning to school/work and re-establishing their routines, Freen and Becky decided that, despite their daily interactions, they would set Sunday nights aside for just the two of them.

That meant going on proper dates and focusing on each other.

Freen was the one to propose it; she had begun to worry that Becky would get bored or tired of Freen's home life and wanted to ensure that their relationship maintained some freshness seeing as they’d been girlfriends for under a year.

Becky wasn’t going to complain, and she gratefully welcomed the date nights – except when she realized what day fell on their third Sunday date night.

The week following up to it, Becky was distant, and as the days drew closer to Sunday she became short-tempered and snippy with Freen.

On Friday evening, Freen came home to find the girls doing their homework at the table with a box of pizza on the kitchen island. Becky was nowhere in sight.

“Hey, where’s Becky?” Freen asked as she set her purse onto a stool and approached her foster daughters.

“She left an hour ago,” Nita said as she scratched something into her math notebook.

“Really?” Freen asked, reaching for her phone to see if she missed a text from Becky.

“ Ka. She bought us pizza, though,” Emily said, smiling happily as she pointed to the box.

“Did she say why she had to go?” Freen asked, frowning when she didn’t find anything on her phone.

“Nope,” Nita said, popping her ‘p’ as she shook her head.

“That’s not like her,” Freen said, mainly to herself.

She began to feel like her worse nightmare was coming true and that Becky was tired of shouldering the responsibilities of two girls that weren’t even hers. Sure, she was the one to offer Freen the help, but there was always the possibility that it was becoming too much for Becky to handle.

“She called P'Fa to come over, but she hasn’t arrived yet,” Nita mentioned.

Not a minute later, the door could be heard opening downstairs followed by the tale-tell steps of Engfa.

“Alright girls, let’s get this party- Freenky?” Engfa's excited entrance came to an abrupt halt when she spotted her friend standing in front of Nita and Emily.

“Hey, Fa,” Freen smiled weakly as she accepted her friend’s hug.

“ Becky said you would be out late tonight,” Engfa said, explaining her presence.

“I was supposed to be, but I thought it would be nice to surprise her and the girls. Turns out I was wrong” Freen said, sounding distraught that she couldn’t fulfill her prior plans.

“Shit. Trouble in paradise?” Engfa asked as she went over to the pizza box and grabbed a slice.

“Language,” Freen warned, making Emily giggle. “And no – yes – maybe?”

“C’mon, tell Dr. Fa what’s bugging you,” Engfa said, managing to hoist herself onto the kitchen island before patting the spot next to her for Freen.

“You have a PhD in engineering, not psychiatry,” Freen reminded as she pulled a stool up and sat close to Engfa.

“A doctor’s a doctor. Now spill the beans, Jan,” Engfa pressed.

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