Avoiding Life

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"you cannot find peace by avoiding life" - virginia woolf


“Alright girls, remember to meet me out here right after school. Em, no silly business, okay? P'Nita has to go to her first group session and can’t be late,” Freen explained as she pulled her car up to the drop-off/pick-up zone of the school.

“Got it!” Emily said, nodding her head and smiling at Freen who was looking at her through the rear-view mirror.


“I got it during your last lecture,” Nita interrupted, her gaze stuck to her right as she looked out her window. “I won’t be late.”

“Good,” Freen said after a beat, deciding that she should consider Nita's cooperation as a small victory in the parenting department.

Nita got out of the car with that, thankfully not slamming the door behind herself.

“I’ll see you later, baby,” Freen said, turning her attention back to Emily who was unclipping her seatbelt.

“Bye, Freen!” Emily said, pressing a quick kiss to her foster mother’s cheek before getting out of the car and running towards the school.

Freen sat for a moment and watched the little one catch up with Nita and head into the school.

Once she was sure that both girls were inside and safe, she pulled away from the curb and headed in the direction of her studio.


A typical lunch for Nita was spent at the back of the school with her sketchpad and her music.

Emily would usually be beside her, the little one occupied with a book and her food allowing the two girls to enjoy their quiet time together.

Today, Nita was working on a sketch, sans her music due to her confiscated phone. In her peripheral vision sat Emily who was reading and munching on some ritz crackers at the same time.

A tap on Nita's knee managed to break the teen from her concentration.

“Phi., I have to go bathroom,” Emily explained as she stood up. “Watch my book.”

Nita nodded her agreement and grabbed Emily's hand before the girl could scamper off.

“Remember to wash your hands, okay?"

“I know. I don’t want icky toilet germs on me!” Emily exclaimed, making Nita laugh and release her hand, clearly satisfied with that response.

Alone once more, Nita looked back to her sketch and was prepared to concentrate again; but then something else interrupted her.

A soccerball from the large field rolled towards her, bringing with it a floppy haired boy.

“Sorry,” the boy said, jogging towards Nita who didn’t respond. “Pranita, right?” the boy asked, a certain cockiness to his tone that made Nita cringe.

She opted to stay quiet but nodded her agreement.

“I’m Sky,” he said, as if that were any more of an indication of who he was to Nita.

“And?” Nita finally said, prompting him to continue.

“We have bio together. I sit two rows ahead of you.”

“I’m sorry, am I supposed to care?” Nita sassed, making the boy scoff. She knew that he expected her to be all over him and that her lack of interest was a real kick to his ego.

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