I Forget the Rest

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"we were together. i forget the rest" - walt whitman


On Friday, Becky decided to surprise Freen at the rink with some hot chocolate and doughnuts.

Despite their date plans falling through due to Nita having her first practice, Becky decided that she could still spend time with the taller brunette who was no doubt going to sit with the other parents to watch.

With her tray of cocoas and box of doughnuts at hand, Becky walked into the chilled rink and waved to her sister who was standing by the baseboards and getting the girls onto the ice.

Turning her attention to the stands, Becky found Freen and Emily sitting at the top.

Emily was deeply immersed in her book while Freen was stuck staring at the ice with her knee bouncing in anticipation.

The English teacher maneuvered her way to the top of the stands, playfully nudging Freen's foot with her own to get the woman to snap out of her stupor.

“Sorry- Becky!,” the taller brunette said, her gaze going from shock to a big smile. “What’re you doing here?”

“Cocoa date part 2?” Becky asked, raising the tray of drinks and offering her signature smirk.

“I couldn’t say no to that,” Freen blushed, patting the spot next to her.

Becky sat and pulled a cocoa off of the tray. She leaned over Freen slightly to get Emily's attention.

“ Emily, psst, how does a cocoa sound to go along with your book?”

Emily looked up and laughed giddily at the drink being handed over to her.

“Thanks, Ms. Armstrong!” Emily said, taking the drink with both hands and blowing on it through the lid like Freen instructed her to.

“Of course. And why don’t you call me Becky when were not in school, ka?”

“ Becky,” Emily said, nodding her head in agreement. “Just like mama calls you.”

Becky smiled and nodded before sitting up straight again and looking to Freen.

“Back to mama?” Becky asked, handing the other brunette her drink.

“Still a back and forth. It’s always Freen in front of Nita, though,” Freen explained. “Thanks for the cocoa by the way.”

“My pleasure. I’ve got doughnuts too, but I’ll let you dictate if you know who gets one after her sugary drink.”

“We can space them out,” Freen said, shuffling a bit closer to Becky. Maybe to preserve heat, maybe to just be near her; Becky wasn’t quite sure which reason it was, but she wasn’t going to complain about the proximity. “I was going to call you later about moving our date to Sunday, actually. Y’know, since I had to cancel on you today.”

“That sounds great,” Becky agreed. “I hope you’ll still let me plan it and take you out, though.”

“If you insist,” Freen said, giving Becky a little nudge with her shoulder.

“Perfect. I’ll pick you up at your house at 6 then. Hey, look at Pranita go,” Becky said, pointing to the ice where Nita was speeding through the skating drills.

“ P'Nita said she skated all the time with mommy,” Emily spoke up, swinging her legs back and forth.

“She’s amazing,” Freen said, smiling at the sight of the teen getting into her element.

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