The Sun Will Rise

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"even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise" - victor hugo


Nita woke up to the sound of whimpering coming from the bed next to her.

She rubbed her tired eyes and sat up, looking to the left where Emily was tossing and turning in a fitful sleep.

“Hey, shh,” Nita said, jumping from her bed and climbing onto Emily's.

She moved to wake the child from what was most likely a nightmare but froze when she touched her bare arms.

Emily was burning up, her skin sticky with night sweats and boiling with a fever.

“ Emi.. Open your eyes, baby,” Nita said, her tone a bit urgent as she wanted to see what was making the little one so sick.

“ Nity..,” Emily mumbled, cracking her eyes open.

“Are you feeling okay?”

“My tummy,” Emily whined, trying to curl in on herself only to be stopped by Nita.

“Do you need to use the toilet, or do you feel like throwing up?”

“Both,” Emily said as she started to cry.

“Okay, you’re okay. Let’s got to the bathroom, alright?” Nita pulled Emily up by her armpits and hoisted the girl into her arms. “I’ve got you, Emi.”

The sisters moved their way out into the hallway, Nita doing her best to keep quiet so then Freen wouldn’t bother trying to help them.

She crept towards the washroom and kicked the door shut behind her while she blindly found the light switch.

“I gonna throw up,” Emily whimpered, her cries growing more frantic.

Nita rushed to set the girl down by the toilet, doing so just in time for the six-year-old to throw up her dinner.

“Shh, get it out,” Nita cooed, moving Emily's shirt so she could rub her bareback.

“I want Freen,” Emily cried loudly between gags, making Nita cringe at the noise and the request.

“We don’t need her. Hey, shh, look you have me,” Nita said, fighting back her own nausea at the growing smell in the washroom.

“Girls?” A voice called from the hallway, making Nita groan and Emily cry in an effort to lead Freen to where they were.

“What’s going on in-,” Freen faltered in her question as she walked into the washroom and found her foster daughters on the floor, answering her own question.

“Hey, Bubs, what’s wrong, baby?” Freen asked, moving to the little one’s other side and sitting on the edge of the bathtub.

“I’ve got this. Go back to bed,” Nita bitterly snapped.

“I can help,” Freen said, her voice soft as she tied back Emily's hair and reached for a small towel.

She soaked it under some cold water before placing it over the back of Emily's neck to start cooling the girl down.

Recognizing the growing stench in the small space, the foster mom reached over Emily to flush the toilet, effectively reducing some the smell.

“Nita, can you go grab your sister a new set of pyjamas?” Freen asked, using a new wet towel to wipe Emily's face a bit before moving to remove the girl’s sweat-soaked top.

“No. I’m not leaving her,” Nita refused.

“I won’t do anything to her, I promise,” Freen said, moving to pull Emily's bottoms off since stray vomit hit them as well.

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