It Takes Courage to Grow

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"it takes courage to grow up and become who you really are" - e.e. cummings


On the following Wednesday, after dropping Nita off for her weekly therapy session, Freen brought Emily to the grocery store for two reasons.

1) to restock some of the food they were low on and 2) to plan out what Emily wanted for her’s and Nita's joint birthday celebration.

It came as a surprise to Freen the prior year that Nita and Emily shared a birthday, however, it went by uncelebrated since both girls failed to mention it to her.

Thanks to P'Beer, Freen was able to get the date of their birthdays and intended to celebrate them properly this time around.

Arriving at the store, Freen grabbed a cart and allowed Emily to stand on the edge of it before heading inside.

“ Em, I have a very important job for you,” Freen said as she grabbed some bananas from the produce section.

“What is it?” Emily asked, already excited to help.

“I need you to help me plan your’s and P'Nita's birthday party.”

“We’re getting a birthday party?!” Emily asked as she jumped off the edge of the cart and bounced in place, her hands clapping excitedly.

“Of course you are. You can invite some friends from school, and we’ll have some of the family come over as well. I just need to know what flavor of cake you like, what flavor P'Nita likes, and what food you want me to serve.”

“This is so cool,” Emily said giddily as she quickly wrapped her arms around Freen's waist.

“Thank you, mama!”

Freen paused her shopping and hugged Emily back properly.

“Anything for my babygirls. Now, what cake is your favourite?” Freen asked as she ran a hand over Emily's hair.

“I like chocolate, but with sprinkles.”

“Chocolate with sprinkles. Got it. And what about P'Nita?”

“Mmm Nity doesn’t like cake. But she loves brownies. And brownies cookies,” Emily reminded, making Freen nod her head in agreement.

“How could I forget the brownies cookies?” Freen playfully asked as she continued to walk through the store. “And how does pizza sound?”

“So yummy. We can get cheese, and pepperoni, and that veggie one that Aunty Mari likes even though it’s yucky,” Emily listed off, making Freen laugh.

“You’re the best party planner. Did you know that?” Freen asked, making Emily giggle. “What do you say to some toast at the party as well?”

“I can get the perfect, squishiest bread!” Emily promised as she started to head to the bread aisle.

Not even five feet away, she stopped in her tracks.

“Can I go grab the bread, mama?”

“Thank you for asking,” Freen praised as she caught up. “Let’s got together na?”

Emily climbed onto the edge of the cart once more and decided to list off more things she wanted at the party as Freen pushed her in the direction of their favourite aisle.


“Is this really necessary?” Nita asked as Freen rushed around the house to set everything up for the birthday celebration.

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