Heal our Brokenness

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"and in the end, we were all just humans... drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness" f. scott fitzgerald


Emily recently started to love Saturday mornings. Being an early riser meant she was always awake before her sister and foster mother.

A few months ago this would cause her a crippling feeling of anxiety as she feared getting in trouble for leaving her room before Freen called them for breakfast.

Now, however, after testing her limits little by little, Emily had scrounged up enough courage to venture out of her room, down the hall, and to Freen's closed door.

With tentative little movements, Emily turned the knob and pushed the door open. She padded her way through Freen's room and went to the empty side of the older woman bed.

The first time she’d done this was two months ago. Freen was understandably startled, which caused Emily to cry and attempt an escape; Freen, once over the initial shock of her little bed intruder, was quick to comfort the girl and talk her through her panic.

Now, this encounter was rhythmic and expected. Emily climbed onto the bed, pulled back the covers, and laid on her side facing Freen. Like clockwork, Freen's eyes blinked open and she smiled sleepily at the little one parallel to her.

“Morning, sweet girl,” Freen whispered, raising a hand to run it over Emily's hair.

“Cuddles?” Emily asked, making her foster mom nod with an even bigger smile, her arms opening in invitation.

Emily moved into the embrace and released a content sigh as she allowed her eyes to shut again.

Sometimes she fell asleep until a decent hour on a weekend morning, other times she made up stories behind her closed eyes.

Unable to imagine anything better than having a morning cuddle, Emily drifted back off to sleep while Freen stayed awake a bit longer just savoring her time with her foster daughter.

Times like these, when she had nothing else to worry about and she was more present in the moment than ever, Freen couldn’t help but let the thought of adoption cross her mind.

It wasn’t her intention to adopt when she became a foster parent. Much rather, she was determined to be the last stop for a child before they found their forever home; a safe place that helped to heal what had been broken during their time in foster care.

But in these moments, when she was holding Emily closer than ever, she couldn’t help but believe she was meant to be her’s all along.


“Does everything have to be a fight with you?” Freen asked as she blew air through her nose and tried to take a calming breath.

“I didn’t start this, you did!” Nita fought back, crossing her arms in defense and glaring at her foster mother.

“I just want to make sure that you and Emily will be okay for a couple hours. Excuse me for doing my job.”

“I think you’ve forgotten that I raised Emily by myself. I didn’t need any shitty foster parent then, and I certainly don’t need one now.”

Freen could admit, that one hurt a bit. She was astonished by how quickly this conversation escalated.

One minute she was just trying to lay out some ground rules for Nita who was going to be home alone with Emily for a few hours, and the next the two were in another verbal match to see who could hurt the other more.

And Then There Was You (FreenxBecky)Where stories live. Discover now