Since the Beginning of Everything

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"i feel like a part of my soul has loved you since the beginning of everything. maybe we're from the same star" - unknown


After thirty minutes of sitting in the rain, Freen started to grow concerned for Nita's health as the girl started to shake from the cold.

Freen managed to call for Becky who picked them up and drove them back home. Her own car would have to be dealt with later, though that was the least of Freen's concerns.

No one spoke the entire ride home as the girls were much too shaken up to say anything and Freen and Becky didn’t want to press them to talk about it just yet.

Once home, Becky took Emily to cuddle in her’s and Freen's room while Freen took Nita to her own room to change.

“I’m fine,” Nita said when Freen moved to help her out of her soaked sweater.

“I just want to make sure you get out of these wet clothes,” Freen said before easing the sweater over Nita's head and letting it drop to the floor with a heavy splat. “I’m going to get you something to wear out of the dryer,” Freen decided, allowing Nita to take over while she hurried downstairs to the laundry room.

Freen took the opportunity to change into new clothes from the dryer as well before she retrieved a set of her own warm pyjamas for the teen and went back up to the girls’ room where the distinct sound of sobbing could be heard through the door.

“ Nita,” Freen said softly as she knocked on the door.

When she didn’t receive a response,
Freen pushed open the door to find Nita sitting on the floor in her underwear while hugging herself tightly to quell some of her shaky sobs.

Quickly, Freen knelt by her foster daughter and wrapped her into a comforting embrace, which the teen gratefully nuzzled into.

“Just let it out,” Freen encouraged as Nita gripped to the back of her shirt for dear life.

Five minutes later, the teen had calmed down enough for Freen to get her re-dressed in the dry clothes she brought up.

“Do you want to come to Becky's and my room for a cuddle?” Freen asked as she grabbed the blanket off the foot of Nita's bed and draped it over the girl’s shoulders.

“Can I just be on my own for a bit?” Nita asked in a whisper, making Freen nod and hold her cheeks gently.

“You know where to find us,” Freen said before dropping a kiss to Nita's forehead and turning to leave the room.

With Nita's wet clothes at hand, Freen left the room and shut the door behind herself, waiting just a beat to listen for her kid to make sure she was going to be okay.

“ Babe, Emi wants you!” Becky called out from their room, making the foster mom abandon her post outside of Nita's room and hurry down the hall to her own.

Inside the room, Becky was sitting in the middle of the bed with Emily cradled in her lap. The little girl was crying quietly but seemed much more composed than Nita.

“Mama,” Emily said as she reached her arms out for Freen.

“I’m here, baby,” Freen promised as she took a seat next to Becky and allowed for Emily to transfer onto her lap.

“Do you still want me and Nity?” Emily asked in an unsure whisper as she played with the ends of Freen's long hair.

“Of course I do. Why wouldn’t I want you two?” Freen asked as she brushed back some of Emily's hair.

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