When Love Finally Works

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"it's a terrifying thing when love finally works" - JH Hard


The first day of Spring Break would’ve been something to celebrate, however, the family of three found very little joy in it as it was 4am and they were all shuffling around the house like zombies in an attempt to get ready to go camping.

As Freen struggled to get herself dressed for the day, she had the added pressure of getting Emily ready as well seeing as she little girl was an over-emotional lump who refused to get up.

Nita, on the other hand, went about getting ready while chugging cups of coffee.

By 5, they managed to get themselves ready and downstairs with all of their bags piled up at the door.

Not five minutes later there was a knock that startled Freen who had fallen asleep while leaning against the wall. The foster mom opened the door to reveal Becky who looked chipper as ever.

“Who’s ready to go camping?” Becky asked, faltering at the sight of her girlfriend who was leaning against the door, and the two girls that were asleep on the stairs. “Wow, you guys look rough.”

“Not morning people,” Freen reminded, reaching down for some of the bags to bring to Becky's car.

“No kidding. Let me help you,” Becky said, taking the bags from Freen and bringing them to her parked station wagon.

Another trip later and she had the car set to go. All she had to do was get her now sleeping girlfriend and the two girls in it.

“Rise n’ shine,” Becky hummed, giving the three people on the stairs gentle shakes, making all of them snap awake.

“Do you have everything you  need?” Becky asked as she helped the group get to their feet.

“More coffee,” Nita mumbled as she pointed behind herself.

“No more for her. She had like six cups,” Freen said, her words slurring slightly.

“Sure doesn’t look like it,” Becky said, taking Freen's keys to lock up the house before ushering the girls down to the car and making sure they all got buckled in.

By the time Becky situated herself in the driver’s seat, Freen, Emily, and Nita all managed to fall back asleep, filling the car with their breathing and some light snores.

Becky laughed and rolled her eyes before starting the engine and heading in the direction of the mountains.


Five hours later, the group arrived at their camping spot; a secluded little patch that was clear of trees and had straight access to a small body of water. It was perfect for their mini getaway.

Freen and Becky got to work setting up the tents while Nita kept Emily busy picking flowers along the tree line.

“I like the difference that some sleep has on you,” Becky commented as she ran a pole through the tent.

“Remind me again why we had to leave at 5am?” Freen asked, glancing behind herself to make sure the girls were in her line of sight before returning her attention to Becky.

“Because traffic. And I also wanted to optimize our time here together,” Becky explained, making Freen audibly aww.

“You’re the cutest softie ever,” the taller brunette gushed, giving Becky's face a squeeze before kissing her.

“You’re going to ruin my street cred,” Becky said between kisses, making Freen laugh.

“What street cred?” Freen asked before turning away to get started on the other tent.

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