The Ball

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A cheer rose from the crowd as the royal family walked out on to the balcony with Aquata and Loki last in the line up so the anticipation keeps rising till she was finally in view of the citizens of Asgard. Aquata waved to the crowd following her teachings, her purple and gold dress blowing in the breeze and she kept feeling Loki's cape hitting her leg, she looked over at Loki who she could tell was struggling with his hangover and the sun, "you doing alright love?" "Get me out of here and I'll be fine" Loki replied to her waving to the crowd to hide his discomfort, Aquata then signaled the rest on the balcony with her that they needed to go in, after Loki got inside Aquata took care of Loki and Thor getting them some amazing Midgardian remedy for hangovers ibuprofen and coffee, after a few minutes they seemed to be better and ready for the next thing on the to do list, so the group prepared for the parade through the village.

Loki led Aquata to their ride a golden open-air horse drawn carriage with two pure white horses pulling it with purple and green feathers in their plumes and gems down their harnesses and reins. Loki being a gentleman helped his bride into the coach and then got in himself after she was settled in, then with a jerk the parade started moving down the route to show off the royal engagement to all who gather to see them. The parade lasted most of the day going between Asgard and Midgard and having the avengers join them as they went. Then when they finally returned to the castle it was to be rushed away for a quick change for the ball that was to start soon, Aquata was changed out of her new normal look of a long purple dress with key holes on the shoulders and forest green cape with a collar of sea sponge and silver bangles and a belt made of silver, to an off the shoulder ball gown in iridescent purple with silver accents and white heals and a silver tiara covered in white diamonds. Her hair thrown into a braid bun with silver ribbons quickly then she was rushed to Loki's side at the ballroom doors.

Loki stood there in his royal attire of his black and green body suit and flowing green cape with his horns headband, Loki then noticed his bride at his side "you look stunning pet" Loki complemented her, "thanks, you look amazing as well love" Aquata replied looking at him lovingly, just then the doors opened to a full ballroom with Thor sitting in a throne at the other end of the room Loki held out his arm for Aquata to take and then they walked in to the ball and started dancing in the middle of the room having others slowly join in as the song that Aquata played during their first official meeting played in the ball room Aquata could not help but reminisce on that day.

It was a warm spring day on Midgard, Aquata had just returned home from work and went upstairs to change out of her work clothes to find a small box on her bed, she opened it to find a note, button, and a ring box. The note read "To the one I am betrothed, we have not met but I look to change that if you are ready to be mine put on a song you find romantic and press the button in the box to call me to you, I anticipate meeting you for the first time and I hope that our love can blossom into a beautiful flower to last forever. Love, L." Aquata proceeded to scroll through her music library till she found what she was looking for 'Always' by Panic at the disco, she started the song and pressed the button holding her breath, she then gasped as she felt two arms wrap around her from behind, she turned to see Loki standing in front of her holding her as the song got to its chorus, they stared into each other's eyes feeling like they have known each other for centuries and that they were two soles finding its other half again. "Won't you sit down your highness," Aquata offered gesturing to her bed "I am honored to have you in my presence" Loki sat down and picked up the ring box "I am honored to be in your presence as well, you were the one who forced Thor to actually care about me in my lowest point and bandaged my wounds that day in my chambers when my mother died." Aquata sat by him putting her hand on his "of course I have always cared about those who need help, I just happened to feel that you needed someone in that moment." Loki smiled and offered her the ring box "will you be my bride and come live with me in Asgard" Aquata took the box and nodded holding back tears of happiness inside was her ring and a small capsule, "take that capsule to re activate your Asgardian powers that have lay dormant for the past 24 years as your father is Asgardian." Loki explained. Aquata took the pill and the rest is history, Loki dipped her bringing her out of her memory and back to reality. As they finished the dance Loki walked with her up to a set of smaller thrones next to Thor and offered her a seat. The rest of the evening the couple sat watching the guest dancing partaking in a few select dances themselves and only when Thor stood up was the night over and everyone could retire to their chambers, and till the wedding rehearsal that was the last time Loki and Aquata could see each other as they were whisked around to parties and lunches and final checks for everything to make sure the wedding was perfect the next day. 

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