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A week later Aquata was fully healed but Loki was not to a hundred yet but he was able to sit up and stand on his own he still needed support on walking, after nine months laying on his back that was impressive. Strange stuck around just to keep an eye on everyone, and research what exactly happened a week ago with Aquata and how she was able to heal herself so fast. The problem was that every test ran on her blood shows normal human and Asgardian aspects, it wasn't till he drank some of the water Aquata touched did he get an idea of what it may have been as after his drink he no longer had any pain in his back or hands. "she must be descendant of them, I haven't found any human descendants of them in ages" Strange said to himself, the Atlanteans had long since turned into the merpeople of Midgard so it was very rare to find a completely human descendant, though Aquata was not exactly a completely human descendant she was half Asgardian half Atlantean descendent. Strange having found the explanation for the healing aspect of Aquata's birth story, Strange wondered if it was Aquata's Asgardian heritage or the Atlantean heritage for her water manipulation powers.

Loki restless in his bed one night stood up and tried to walk over to Aquata's chamber to crawl into bed with her, he got about halfway across the hall and he fell and smashed his face on the floor causing a major laceration across his face. Aquata awake feeding the babies heard the crash and sent her nursing aid to see what happened and she brought Loki in bleeding from his face and loopy from the fall, "what happened" Aquata asked annoyed and exhausted "I tried to walk over here without help" Loki shyly answered. Aquata handed baby A to the nursing aid and took baby B and latched the baby for feeding "come over here so I can look" Aquata said as she motioned for him to come over as she fed their child, Loki came over and sat down Aquata used her free hand to float some water over to Loki's face to wash it and just like magic the cut healed under the water right before her eyes, "wow, I knew I had the powers to control water but not to heal with it, I wonder why?" Aquata thought out loud. "oh, by the way we need to name these guys still Loki" Aquata added to her last statement. Strange walked in as Loki started thinking of names for the children. "Aquata, I found out something you may want to hear, I did some tests and I found out that your mother and in extension you and your brothers are descendants of Atlanteans an ancient race of humans who with any type of water could heal people of any ailment, it sent me for a loop because most turned into merpeople and it is now very, very rare to even find a true human descendant of them, they also may be the reason you can manipulate water." Strange told Aquata, "that may be how I healed you with the water a second ago" Aquata pieced together. "what did you do now Loki?" Strange asked, "I met the hall floor with my face" Loki explained. Strange, laughing, excused himself back to his room. "Now back to the task at hand, our children's names" Aquata refocused the conversation. "ah yes, I was thinking about that given the new information what if we named our son who looks the most like you, Atlantan after your Atlantean heritage." Loki stated, "I like it, Margret can I please have the birth certificates so we can fill out the names and can you please change the bassinet name plate" Aquata asked her nursing aid. "Now for the girl, how about Celeste?" Loki asked. Aquata thought for a moment "like the night sky, I like itit is." She said writing it on the certificate "Prince Atlantan Lokison and Princess Celeste Lokisdottir, the royal heirs of Asgard" Aquata said as she finished writing the names on the birth certificates and handed them to her nursing aid. Loki took Celeste from Aquata as Celeste was finished eating, and Loki just held her looking into his daughter's emerald eyes that matched his, she smiled at her daddy and reached for Loki's raven hair that matched the little tuft on the top of her head, "for being only a few days old they sure have impeccable motor skills and face recognition don't they" Loki stated, "that would be because they are about a week old is why." Aquata replied "oh right, it only feels like yesterday that they were born" Loki reminisced. The nursing aid came and took Celeste from Loki to put her back to bed. Loki yawned himself and crawled into Aquata's bed to cuddle with her Aquata reminded Loki that this is how they ended up with the twins in the first place, Loki just snuggled in closer and fell asleep, Aquata just chuckled and closed her eyes to sleep for a couple hours till the next time to be a baby feeder. As the sun broke on a new day Loki woke to the sound of babies crying, then he noticed Aquata was not in bed anymore, instead she was over by the basinets changing one of the babies' diapers while the nursing aid was changing the other babies' diaper, after they were both finished Aquata carried the baby that she was changing over to sit down in the rocker next to the basinets and started to feed the baby, and by the looks of the hair color it was Atlantan she was holding. Loki sat up and stretched then watched Aquata feed his son she seemed to glow in the morning sun. Thor came and knocked on the door and entered just after Loki managed to make it to the edge of the bed to make it look like he did not sleep there all night, "Good morning, all" Thor said as he entered the room "I see that breakfast has started here." Thor continued as he walked in and saw Aquata feeding a baby. Aquata covered herself so Thor was not as uncomfortable with Aquata feeding her children, "Did you need something brother?" Loki asked annoyed that Thor came into the room to bug them, Thor got back on track "I was hoping that you would take over the king duties for me during the wedding prep and celebrations before and after the ceremony in a few months, and yes you get to sit in the big chair during the ball Loki" Loki closed his mouth as he was about to ask that very question. Aquata handed Atlantan over to her nursing maid and then took Celeste from her to feed the other child of Loki rolling her eyes at the fact that the brothers were fighting again, over the next few minutes Thor and Loki discussed details of what needed to be done for Thor's wedding ignoring Aquata who was sitting right there dealing with her children that Loki helped make to begin with. Aquata had finished feeding the twins and got up to get dressed and go down for breakfast without either one of the chatty Cathies on the bed noticing that she left, it wasn't till Loki turned to ask a question to Aquata did they notice she was not there anymore. Aquata was full conversation with Hela when Loki and Thor arrived for breakfast "nice of you to tell us you were leaving pet" Loki teased as he kissed her neck, "well I was being ignored in my own room and I was talking to someone" Aquata replied, Hela just laughed and sipped her cranberry juice. 

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