The First Day

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As the morning sun peaked through the sheer curtains that covered the windows of Loki's chamber, there was very little movement from the newlyweds as they slept exhausted from the day before. Aquata was the first to stir as the light fell onto her face, she looked at the ring on her finger and then up at the man beside her, he was somehow even more handsome when he is sleeping, Loki's raven hair cascading over his face and his calm breathing soothed Aquata, Loki's emerald green eyes opened and a smile slowly started to appear on his face, "good morning pet, how are you this fine day?" Aquata slinked up and kissed Loki on the lips "I keep checking to see if I'm still dreaming, this all seems too good to be true." "Well, it is all real pet" Loki replied and kissed her again. They were only stopped by a knock at the door and Thor's voice echoed in the hall "I hope you are decent; the king is coming in" the door opened and Thor entered the room. "Good morning brother, here to spy on the newlyweds?" Loki teased. "No brother, I am just here to truly congratulate you on your marriage and ask if you are ready to come down to breakfast." Thor snapped back. "We would love breakfast your Majesty, just allow us to get dressed and we will be down." Aquata replied trying to calm things. "Aquata your family now there is no reason to be so formal with me" Thor said.

After getting dressed Aquata and Loki headed down to the smaller dining hall where Thor and Hela sat eating a spread of eggs, toast, and other assorted breakfast goods. Aquata sat down between Thor and Loki and started to gather what she wanted to eat for breakfast that day. Loki lovingly gazed at Aquata eating her breakfast, Hela noticed and smiled "gotta love that honeymoon phase Hun Thor?" Thor shoveling food into his mouth looked over at Hela confused, "brothers" Hela sighed and rolled her eyes then went back to eating her breakfast. After they had finished eating Loki and Aquata went on a walk and just spent time together looking at different sights around Asgard and looked at the market shops. They stopped for lunch at one of the nicer pubs and sat at a table for two Loki had his back to the bar where one of the juggernauts of the army of Asgard sat, and he noticed Aquata and thought she was someone easy, he walked over to the table "Hey baby how bout you come with me and we can have some fun," he said three sheets to the wind, Loki then said "go away bub she's married" "oh yeah and who's going to make me you twig?" the brute taunted looking for a fight, Loki stood up ready to defend his wife when Aquata snapped "Loki sit your ass down I have this" Aquata stood up and gave the brute a cute smile and motioned for him to come over when he got over to her he grabbed her butt and that is when Aquata let him have it, she used her hidden magic and rammed the guy in the nuts with a geyser of water and sent him running home to mommy by throwing him out with a wave stretching from the river grabbing his head and throwing him out of the pub. Loki was shocked and impressed at the same time he had no idea that was inside her this whole time, Aquata then sat down and their food came shortly after, when they were finished eating, they decided that they better head back to the castle.

Aquataenjoyed being able to see the kingdom that someday she was going to be queenof, because when Thor steps down from being king Loki is the one to take overthe throne. Loki just kept smiling the whole trip, when they finally returnedto the castle Thor's personal assistant asked them to go to the throne room tomeet Thor as he wanted to talk to them. Loki led as Aquata was still unsure ofher way around the castle, upon arriving to the throne room the matradee stoodthere waiting to announce their arrival to the king. "Now presenting theirroyal Highnesses Prince Loki and Princess Aquata of Asgard." On that note Lokiand Aquata went in to the throne room where Thor sat on his throne that wasOdin's before him "you wanted to see us brother?" Loki asked smirking his smirkthat he gets when he has a prank idea come to his mind. "Why yes I did brother,I was thinking that to show off the kindness and generosity of our new princessthat the three of us would go down to Midgard and visit some of our sick andwounded in the hospitals." Thor pitched the idea of, "I think that would be awonderful idea my king," Aquata answered "if Loki is fine with the idea thatis." She looked over to Loki who was deep in thought about all of it, "Let's doit brother" Loki finally responded after some thought "when do we leave?" Thorpaused, he thought and looked at his advisor, "you are free for the rest of theday my king" his advisor said, "how about in an hour we meet at the Bifrost"Thor proposed. "Works for me brother" Loki agreed "see you in an hour" heturned to leave and started to walk away. Aquata followed close behind and wentto their chambers to freshen up a bit before going to the Bifrost to meet Thorto go to Midgard.

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