*Sigh* Brothers

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Over the next six months Aquata trained with the scepter and Loki built up his lungs by sparing with Thor, there was some couples training sessions where Cap teamed up Aquata and Loki as a fighting pair, and through those training sessions Loki and Aquata developed their fight skating as Clint called it. Fight skating involves Aquata and Loki combining their water and ice powers to allow Aquata to make a path of water Loki would then freeze the path leaving a thin layer of water for them to then skate on and fight as the enemy slipped around, this method actually let the royals defeat Capp and Thor fighting together. "Good going you two, we should have no worries about you fighting in the field" Cap praised after their scrimmage, "thanks Capp" Aquata replied out of breath from the match while she spun the scepter in her hand as a Bo staff "let's turn in for the night" Loki said walking towards the door, "what's wrong brother, scared to lose to me without Aquata" Thor asked mockingly, "thou surly jests brother, I could beat you with one arm behind my back" Loki replied getting into a ready stance, Aquata rolled her eyes and moved Capp back out of the way as Thor and Loki charged at each other in a fury of snow and lightning just meeting in a power struggle in the center of the room the shock wave knocking the spectators off balance, "this is them at home I'm use to this" Aquata explained to Capp bracing herself. Thor and Loki just kept fighting and sending power surges and balls at each other with a few missing their targets causing Aquata to put a shield around her and Capp, and this continued till Loki stopped to breathe eyes glowing green and Thor hit him with an attack sending Loki falling to the floor leaving a crater in the concrete, Loki was slow to get up, and when he did he was holding his ribs coughing with the dust, Aquata rushed over to help him over to a bench at the side of the room "I'm fine pet don't worry" Loki said trying to brush her away and finally just gave in and leaned on her for support, Loki sat down with a sigh and wince as his weight came off his leg, "Are you alright brother" Thor asked coming over to Loki and Aquata "I'm fine brother, that last hit just was a mighty one" Loki responded, Aquata looked at him with disbelief "Loki your holding your ribs and right leg like they're injured don't give us that I'm fine crap" Aquata scolded, "now let me look at that" Aquata slid to the floor and rolled Loki's pant leg up, the leg was swollen and dark purple, and Aquata thought she could feel a broken bone, "that looks bad" Capp said looking over at the injury, "I'll wrap it for the moment, but you're going to the med bay after this mister" Aquata said treating her husband like a child, "yes Aquata" Loki whined like a toddler. Aquata wrapped Loki's leg with ace bandages and splints, "ok how's that, better or does it need to be tighter?" Aquata asked, Loki had Thor help him stand and try to put weight on the leg, he stood on it for a second by himself before starting to collapse and catching himself on Thor, "Needs to be a little tighter pet" Loki said sitting back down on the bench, Aquata sighed and went back to wrapping his leg tighter "you do realize this only has to get you upstairs with assistants from us right?" Aquata asked, Loki just shrugged and waited for Aquata to finish first aid on his leg, "Ok that should do it, let's go Loki" Aquata said standing putting her arm around him and his around her and Thor taking the other side, they then slowly moved towards the med bay floor Loki trying to walk but mostly hopped, Aquata just glared ahead not looking at Thor, she was going to rip into him about this later. Loki was put in a cast with a completely shattered tibia and thirty-four pins put in his leg to reconstruct the bone so he had a chance at healing properly he also had 3 bruised ribs that the medics just wrapped and gave him some painkillers for. Aquata ripped Thor a new one once they returned to the upper section of the tower that was just for the avengers, Thor just sat like a small child getting scolded and put in time out, "I know that it was mutual decision between you two but you did not have to slam him into the floor with the power of ten Thors dude, now go in there and apologize to your brother for breaking his leg." Aquata commanded as a mother would their child, Thor stood up and moped into the room Loki was sitting in and apologized, Loki just sat there with his leg elevated confused why his brother was here apologizing to him, "Aquata got to you, didn't she brother" Loki stated looking at his brother looking like a puppy with its tail between its legs. Thor nodded, Loki just sighed and shook his head and went back to reading his book. Later that week Loki was sitting the living room with his foot on some pillows and Celeste cuddled next to him watching superhero squad on the ten-foot television screen on the south wall of the tower, Aquata walked in soaking wet and carrying Atlantan "Power training going well pet?" Loki asked, "Well that's the third floor he flooded with the training pool" Aquata sighed drying herself and Atlantan off with her magic Atlantan ran over and climbed onto the couch with her sister to watch tv. Aquata sat down on the free side of Loki and held him "How your pain today Love?" Aquata asked Loki, "its tolerable pet, I'll manage" Loki replied, "are you sure love, I can get you one of your pain pills it's no trouble" Aquata assured him. "No, its fine pet, just sit and relax" Loki pulled her close and held Aquata till she fell asleep next to him.

Loki over the next few weeks learned how to use his crutches to get around so he didn't have to bug people for help, it was slow going at first but he eventually got better at it, of course this led to some pranks from Tony and the others that they hid the crutches but every time they tried Aquata just glared at them till they gave the crutches back to Loki. For some reason the men were scared of Aquata, she didn't do anything to scare them or intimidate them but they are scared non the less. Aquata just rolled with it, Natasha just laughed and helped Aquata with the twins while Loki was laid up with his leg, Strange stayed close by with in the top ten floors of the ninety-three-story tall main tower of the compound. Eventually everyone involved gained a new rhythm with the events, Aquata managed to teach Atlantan how to use his powers properly and he was becoming quite a warrior like his uncle, Celeste learned spells from her father while Loki healed and she had a natural affinity for magic like her grandmother before her. 

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