The Root Of The Problem

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Aquata kept caring for Loki over the course of the next six months helping him gain strength so he could eat and sit on his own, Loki was seeing a physical therapist three times a week to reteach him how to walk and gain strength in his arms so he could pick up one of the twins. Celeste defiantly became a daddy's girl during this time always volunteering for helping during Loki's therapy and when Loki was sitting in bed Celeste didn't like leaving his side and would cry if someone tried to take her away, unless food was involved. Atlantan spent time with Loki as well but he was more attached to Aquata than Loki, Aquata was fine with that and so was Loki but it defiantly was interesting when they started moving the twins to their own rooms, with Loki not able to help too much, so Aquata relied on Thor to help with bedtime, Loki had some up and downs over the six months there were some small infections that Loki had come and go, but he never regressed to far back, his color slowly improved but it was nowhere near his normal, Strange suggested that Aquata put Loki in a wheel chair and take him on to the balcony for a half hour every day to help him with vitamin d and see if his color improved with the sunlight, so Aquata did just that and it gave Aquata some alone time with Loki something they never really had till now unless Loki was unconscious. "Love, Loki I had an offer extended to me yesterday by Tony Stark and I told him I wanted to ask your opinion before responding, but I have been offered to join the Avengers, I know you're an honorary avenger but would you be ok with me becoming a full avenger?" Aquata asked Loki one day out on the balcony Loki thought for a moment while letting the breeze blow through his hair he knew his brother was an avenger and would watch out for Aquata but he still felt like he should be the one to protect her, "the decision is ultimately yours pet, all I ask is that if you accept that you tell them that you cannot be on active duty till after I have become fully healed." Loki finally said. Aquata agreed then the alarm went off telling them to go inside, while Aquata rolled Loki in and helped him into bed Tony came in for a visit "Hello everyone, your day has just got better" Tony said smugly flopping into the recliner "So Aquata got an answer for me yet?" Aquata finished helping Loki and moved the chair to the side, "Well Tony, I will become an avenger but on two conditions, one that I don't become active till Loki is healed and two that Loki becomes a full avenger as well." Aquata responded, Tony thought for a moment then nodded "That we can do" he responded. Tony then got up and left without another word.

Loki finally was declared fully recovered oneyear after he woke up, Aquata slowly reintroduced things like sparring and hisroyal duties even against Thor's protest, till the eighteen-month mark whenThor was Loki's sparring partner. The twins being three now were becoming moreindependent from their parents and were becoming little monsters more thanbefore so Aquata and Loki decided to start teaching them in the royal ways todistract them from their ransacking. Aquata and Loki also started training withthe avengers they went on a couple missions but nothing to challenging. Lokiand Thor started preparing for change of power because with the twins being almostfour it was getting close to the time for Thor to retire from being a king andjust be an avenger, the stress of it all had brought Loki into a few panicattacks or what Aquata thought was panic attacks, Loki made it through withAquata's help but as the time drew closer to the coronation Fury came andpinged the royals to Avenger tower, "Director, we are here what's the mission."Thor said walking in to the briefing room followed by Aquata and Loki, "wellmister god of thunder, we have information telling us that a new threat ismoving in fast, and this is right up your lane Loki it's the frost giants. Ourplan here is to use this to slow them and I think Loki should use it to leadthe fight," Fury briefed as a crate was brought in by two agents and thenopened by Fury, "come on up and grab it Loki." Loki stood up and walked to thecrate, his face fell into shock and fear upon looking at the contents of thecrate Loki then reached in and pulled out the scepter with the mind stone in it"No he can't, I refuse to let him use that again" Thor protested as Aquatamelted into a ball, she did not want Loki to be corrupted by the mind stoneagain not when he had come so far from the first time he used it. Fury shutdown Thor's protests "we need a heavy hitter like an infinity stone for thisthreat Thor, and Loki has used this one before." Loki looked to his wife in aball in her seat and set the scepter down, "Pet, are you alright?" Loki wentover to her and asked putting his hand on her back "I don't want to lose you tothe stone, not after I have been so close to losing you so many other times."Aquata whimpered grabbing onto his leg. Fury looked over at the display in thecorner and continued with "This is the only way we can defeat the threat itseither Loki uses it or we lose, now can we please continue." Aquata nodded asshe slowly uncurled from her ball and leaned into Loki while Fury continued,later after the meeting Loki and Aquata were in their room at the tower whenLoki started to have trouble breathing he taped Aquata to get her attentiongasping for air, "What's wrong Love?" Aquata asked when she felt Loki tap her,"Can't... breathe..." Loki managed to gasp out, Aquata rushed Loki over to the medbay area where Strange was talking to some of the medics for S.H.E.I.L.D and hesaw Aquata helping a gasping Loki over towards him. "Aquata is everythingalright?" Strange asked as he hurried over to meet her half way "Loki says hecan't breathe and he has been gasping and coughing the whole way here, pleaseStephen, help him." Aquata pled Strange was taken aback, in this wholeadventure with Loki this was the first time Aquata used his first name to askfor help, they moved Loki to one of the bays and Strange gave him thisapparatus called a nebulizer that was releasing water vapor and medicine "Lokitry your best to take a deep breath of the air coming from this tube alright,"Loki nodded still gasping for air while taking the device, he put it in hismouth and breathed as deep as he could he instantly felt it becoming easier tobreathe and by extension talk. "what's wrong with me?" Loki asked while stillslightly gasping for air, "well Loki it would seem that you have asthma, whichwould explain why you are prone to catching pneumonia, we will give you aninhaler use it when you feel like it is getting hard to breathe, just mix, twopuffs, hold your breath for five seconds then exhale alright?" Strangeresponded looking at Loki's chart, Loki nodded with the nebulizer in his mouthagain. "Doctor, would it be wise for at least Thor and I to carry one alsoincase his runs out or he forgets it?" Aquata asked, "yes Aquata, you bring agood point I will bring three over, for now Loki just needs some time with thenebulizer to reopen his air way, he should be breathing normally here soon."Strange said walking away to get Loki's inhalers. Aquata looked over at Lokihis breathing was less sporadic and he seemed more relaxed. Strange came backand gave Aquata a bag with three inhalers in it "ok Loki if you feel up to ityou can go back to your room and get some sleep and remember inhaler for anybreathing problems." Strange reminded Loki, Loki set the nebulizer down andstood up "thank you Strange see you later" Loki held his arm out for Aquata totake, Aquata took his arm and they went back to their room to sleep, afterAquata made sure Loki was in bed and alright she walked down to Thor's room togive him the inhaler for him to carry for Loki. "So, what is this for again?"Thor asked, "If Loki has trouble breathing and he doesn't have his own one yougive this to him and remind him two puffs and hold for five seconds before hecan exhale." Aquata explained to Thor who still looked confused, "no whatexactly is asthma and how does this help?" Thor asked, "oh well, asthma is acondition that Loki has and when he has an attack from the asthma his airwaysconstrict making it hard for him to breathe, this is medicine that reopens theairways." Aquata explained. Thor took the inhaler and put it in his breastpocket, "I'll keep it on me always" Thor assured Aquata, Aquata returned to herroom to find Loki laying on the bed sleeping for once, Aquata crawled into nextto him and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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