It's Time

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The next few days were a game of asking is he awake yet or no ,and Aquata stayed sitting by Loki all day and night just so she could be the first thing he sees when his eyes do open but on that seventh day of waiting, Aquata felt some cramping in her abdomen and she thought no not now he needs to be awake so he doesn't miss all of it, but the cramping kept getting worse, as the nurses noticed they helped her into the birthing station set up right next to Loki so she could reach him if needed, and Thor ran in to be with Aquata and help time her contractions, meanwhile Loki finally stirs and opened his eyes as Strange walked into the room he looks over and notices Loki awake, "Well look who is finally awake," Strange said and Thor and Aquata looked over to see Loki awake which helped relax Aquata, "would you like that thing out of your throat Princey?" Strange continued sarcastically, Loki nodded, Strange stopped the vent, made sure it was safe to disconnect the machine from the tube in his mouth and disconnected it, then he carefully pulled the feeding tube out of Loki's nose, then he got to the breathing tube, "Ok now take a deep breath, and exhale," Strange said pulling the tube out, Loki started coughing then after about a couple of minutes Loki whispered "where is Aquata?," "Don't speak too much that thing was in for 9 months, give your throat time to heal from the tube, but if you look to your right you can see your darling wife in labor with your twins." Loki was a little taken aback by the word twins but looked right, with some stiffness, but he looked over, Aquata waved at him with some discomfort from the contraction that just started, and she signaled Thor to let him know she was in pain. The midwife came in to check her progress, "your about 6 centimeters dilated Princess." The midwife came up with "should not be too much longer now" the midwife turned to finish prepping the bassinets for the twins. Aquata looked over at Loki who had his hand held out for her to grab and she took it, "good morning sleepy head" Aquata said jokingly to Loki who just glared at her for saying it.

A big one hit and Aquata dropped Loki's hand and Thor tried to comfort her, after the pain subsided Aquata felt a gush and the midwife was like "there goes the water, let's check dilation Princess," the midwife went as she checked how far along Aquata was, "that feels like ten and a head ok Princess show time, push" Aquata pushed with the contraction and Thor held her and let her basically crush his hand so she wouldn't flood the palace with her water powers activating through pain. Loki watched worried and wishing he could help but was just useless in his current state, "alright Princess don't push" the midwife commanded as she started to check to see if the cord is around the neck, "ok one more big push Princess" Aquata pushed and twin A was born, Loki teared up as he heard the baby cry for the first time. "it's a boy" The midwife announced, "have you picked a name?" Aquata answered "Not yet, I haven't had time." The midwife nodded and took the boy over to the basinet labeled twin A. Aquata looked over at Loki who was crying, "We have a son Loki" Aquata said and Loki just nodded and cried. Loki felt strange but he chalked it up to just getting off a vent and having a child. Aquata felt her water break for twin B and Loki felt tired and like he was going to pass out again "Goodbye my Aquata, I will always love you." Loki whispered as he started to code his heart monitor showing an a-fib rhythm Strange looked over at the sound of the machine changing patterns "Loki's coding!" Strange shouted as Aquata started pushing with her second twin, Aquata upon hearing this looked over as they made him flat and started chest compressions, Aquata heard that and all of a sudden, the pain of what she was going through with giving birth was a distant pain. She reached over and took Loki's limp hand that was hanging over the bed only to let go as a huge wave of pain reminded her what she was doing "LOKI!" Aquata screamed as she pushed twin B's head out. Strange did everything he knew to do before getting the paddles out and started shocking "Clear" Strange yells as he shocks Loki for the first time, between Strange yelling clear and Aquata screaming in pain the room was very loud. After what felt like an eternity for all parties involved Strange shocks Loki one final time he flops like a fish and nothing changed "hold everything, let's see if he comes back on his own," Strange says "No, Loki" Aquata says taking Loki's hand once more and puts it to her own face holding back tears that get on Loki's hand, Thor just starts trying to get her attention but she wasn't hearing him, suddenly she hears Thor's voice roar, "AQUATA!" snapping her back to reality, "one more big push Princess" the midwife says as Loki's monitor starts beeping with a normal heartbeat that got stronger with each beat, and with one more push and a scream of pain, sorrow, and frustration Loki and Aquata's daughter was brought into the world five minutes after her brother and moments after her father's revival.

Aquata exhausted and sweaty heard the heart monitor and looked over in the direction her husband was from her as the midwife numbed her to stitch up a tear, she saw that Loki was looking back at her and whispering "You did it honey, I'm proud of you" Aquata still being stitched up reached for his hand and Loki grabbed back "we have a son and a daughter Loki, we did it" Aquata said. The midwife finished fixing the tear and Thor helped her down to dress her bottom half she took a drink of water then Thor walked her over to Loki and sat on the edge of the bed she leaned over and gave him a kiss on the lips for the first time in nine months, Strange noticed that Aquata was doing something he has not seen a lot of pregnant women of any realm do which was stand seconds after giving birth and she was getting more stable with each step and Loki was getting stronger with each second as well and even as Asgardians that should not be possible because Thor had not bounced back that fast after battles. But little known to everyone including Aquata, her mother was no normal human but descendant from an ancient race called the Atlanteans that had the ability to heal others with water of any type, tears, normal water any type of water and those powers were at play now. Aquata walked over and looked at her children, they were small and beautiful with Twin A having copper hair like his mother and his eyes were not opened yet to see but Aquata guessed that they were either green like Loki or gold like hers.

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