Help From Unlikely Sources

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Thor knocked to get Aquata's attention then walked in with a plate of mashed potatoes and gravy with a few chicken legs for Aquata and sat down next to her at Loki's bedside, Thor just watched his brother breathing with help of a machine for a few seconds before handing the plate to Aquata "Eat something it will help you feel better and I also wanted to talk to you about something that Jane said was important for pregnant women." Thor said as Aquata took the plate and started ravenously eating the chicken leg in front of her looking at Thor strangely when he said he wanted to talk to her about something to do with the pregnancy. "I know that you are going to need someone there to help support you when you give birth, I also know..." he hesitated "that there is no guarantee that Loki is going to be awake and well enough to be that person, so I am offering to help and be your support person and basically be Loki in places where you may need him, if he's not awake and able to that is" Thor continued. Aquata looked over at Loki and back at Thor, then she swallowed her mouthful of potato then spoke "I would appreciate if you would Thor, thank you for the offer." Thor smiled and Aquata could tell it was a true smile compared to the ones he has been putting on for the public lately and with everything Aquata doesn't blame him for faking a smile, she herself has forced a smile as of late. Aquata put down the plate of food and leaned over just to give Thor a hug, Thor was shocked at this act but he hugged her back and finally let go and cried on her shoulder, "let it out Thor let it out, no one should have to hold all that weight alone, Loki and I vowed to be each other's rock but that doesn't stop me from being a rock for you when you need it Thor." Aquata said as Thor just cried out all the sadness he had bottled up over the course of years. "thank you Aquata, just thank you for showing me the same kindness that you showed Loki that day you wrapped his wounds after the news of our mother dying reached him and he smashed everything and cut his feet, and thank you for just being kind in a world of hate and sorrow." Thor was finally able to say after a good ten-minute cry on Aquata. "Of course, Thor it's just my nature to show kindness, it truly takes a lot to get me to not be kind to someone at first." Aquata comforting Thor calmly said.

The moment Thor was referring to was about five years ago now when Aquata was here for a trip with her collage class they were touring the castle to study the architecture, and Frigga, Loki Hela and Thor's mother died of illness and Loki felt like he was responsible for her death because he was the one who had been to Midgard the most recent and it was a Midgardian illness she died from, so he smashed almost everything in his chamber and walked on broken glass to punish himself for what he thought he did, and Thor didn't seem to care all that much that Loki was so injured but Aquata saw a person in pain and she needed to help them, so she took a med kit and took Loki's foot, removed the glass pieces then cleaned and wrapped his one foot then did the other and helped him into bed to rest, then she grabbed a broom and started to clean the room so that no further injury could occur, and back then neither one of them realized that they were meeting their betrothed. But now here they were in the biggest mess you could imagine and it was to get worse before it got better.

Aquata finished the food that Thor brought her and set the plate on the table beside her that use to be Loki's bedside table and she looked at Loki, his hair had fallen over his face so she gently brushed it out of the way so that it wasn't messing with the equipment. Thor looked over at her caring for Loki and hoped that deep down he and Jane could have a bond like Aquata and Loki does, Aquata and Thor sat for a bit with just the sound of the machines monitoring Loki going then finally Aquata spoke "I just want to warn you Thor of what you're getting into, I found out this morning that it's not just one baby but twins, so if you want to back out of being my support I won't blame you I will be able to handle this on my own, I've delt with worse in the past alone" Aquata picked up Loki's hand and held onto it being careful not to pull any of the IVs out, Thor put his hand on top of Aquata's "I said I would support you and I mean it, I will be your support person no matter how many heirs you are carrying, I'm not going to abandon you" Thor sternly told her. Aquata smiled she had finally found a family that would support her no matter what her decisions were. Thor and Aquata then sat and discussed other things that had to do with preparations for the royal heirs, from where they would sleep to if she was going to nurse or if she needed help with nursing and they discussed till it was time for dinner when Thor left to go eat and Aquata left Loki's side to eat and keep her strength up. After she ate a full dinner Aquata excused herself upstairs to go be with her husband when she was intercepted by her main planner "Princess, you are needed in the prince's chamber" Aquata responded with "I was just on my way there now, Thank you" she walked past her planner to Loki's chamber where she was met by guards holding a man and Strange putting Loki's IV back into his arm. "what happened here?" Aquata asked, "that man over there pulled out Loki's main iv that gives him the antibiotics" Strange answered in frustration after he got the IV back in sat down and sighed putting his head in his hands. "guards take him to the dungeons the king and I will deal with him later," Aquata said sending the guards off with a wave of her hand "you ok Strange?" Aquata asked as the trouble maker was led out of the room, "I don't exactly know how long the IV was out for so I don't know the exact amount of blood loss and there are too many unknowns with this" Strange started to spiral. Aquata rubbed his back to try and stop the spiral down. "Strange it's going to be alright I will sit with him and if problems that are bigger than the nurses and I can handle occur I will come get you personally" Aquata confirmed to Dr. Strange. Strange went back to his chamber and Aquata resumed her usual seat next to Loki and held his hand again, it had been a rough month so far but they were surviving and doing their best to jump the hurdles that life put in their way. Everyone did their best to support one another but there have been many times they needed alone time or a shoulder to cry and let out frustration on and they all rotated through on who was in what position. Eventually they managed to get through a month of Loki being out of the game and Aquata was starting to have a small bump. Thor kept his promise to Aquata to protect her and Loki and made sure that the traitor who tried to harm Loki was not to see sunlight again and supported her through some rough mornings of morning sickness and lack of sleep from worry, Loki had slight improvement but was still comatose, Strange had diagnosed that Loki had beat the pneumonia but his body still refuses to wake up and he was unsure if Loki ever would still. Over the next few months Aquata put Loki's hand on her belly though so Loki could feel his children move and she played the video of him talking to them every day just so in case he woke up the babies would recognize him as daddy and not recognize uncle Thor as daddy. It was slow going but it was going by the time she was four months and ready for a gender reveal Loki was giving slight movements but still wasn't showing signs of waking he just reacted to things like Aquata touching his hand or he would smile around the equipment when he felt one of the twins kick as Aquata held his hand to her bump for Loki to still be a part of the pregnancy even though he may have no memory of the time. Little did she know though Hela had hid a camera and it was recording everything that happened in the room because the plan was if Loki was awake for the first anniversary, Hela was going to show a video of what happened in the year and what happened when Aquata was pregnant would be a big part of that. Aquata saw the midwife for her four-month ultrasound and Thor was there with her, when the midwife asked if they wanted to know the genders Aquata responded with "no not right now but you can give them in an envelope to Thor because he's the one planning the gender reveal for us." So, the midwife did just that and put the results of twin a and twin b in envelopes labeled as such and handed them to Thor "my king," the midwife said as she handed them over. Thor nodded in thanks and tucked them in his breast pocket and waited outside the door while Aquata cleaned up and got dressed. Then it was back to Loki's side for Aquata, and Thor went and took the envelopes to the event planners in charge of the gender reveal so they could get the proper colors made into the reveal items. Aquata took up singing to Loki in hopes of waking him by him hearing his truly beloved being there waiting, but no luck Loki only relaxed his face like he was at peace hearing her sweet voice sing to him.

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