Baby Drama

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"Good morning, Princess, how are you today?" the midwife asked. Aquata answered truthfully of how she was and the midwife nodded in understanding as Aquata got onto the exam table, "today we will be doing an ultra sound to see how far along you are and maybe predict a due date for the heir alright let's begin" the mid wife explained as Aquata rolled up her dress so that the ultra sound could be done. As the cold gel touched Aquata's stomach she flinched a little, "alright strong fetal heartbeats" the midwife said, "beats?" Aquata repeated in question, "yes Princess, it seems to be from this scan, you are having twins, let's see separate sacs but same placenta more than likely fraternal but time will tell for that." the midwife continued. Aquata just laid back in shock, twins she thought what's next. While Aquata was finishing up her appointment with the midwife, Thor stopped into his brother's chamber to see him and sat down Thor was taken aback a little by seeing his brother surviving off of a machine that was helping him breathe and draining his lungs but that did not stop Thor from saying what he needed to "Loki, I have come to tell you that Lady Jane has agreed to marry me, I really want you at the wedding and I am hoping that you pull through this. Because if you don't, I am going to Valhalla and am dragging you back to the realm of the living myself, because Aquata is too pure to be raising your heir alone and still performing her royal duties, so get well and don't force me to do that" Thor felt the tears stinging in his eyes as he watched Loki's chest rise and fall with each pump of air from the machine. Thor quickly left the room trying not to cry just before Aquata walked in to sit with Loki. "Loki, I went to the midwife today for my first ultrasound and well, Loki, we're pregnant with twins" Aquata told an unconscious Loki making her feel a little better about going through most of these milestones without him. Aquata took out the recording of the day Loki first fell sick and rewound back to the point Loki was talking to the belly and watched it with the speaker close to her stomach so the babies could hear their father's voice. Aquata smiled and started crying as she knew that Loki was so excited to be a father, and right now he was hooked up to so many things fighting to live and there was uncertainty if he will ever get to be a father.

Hela walked in to find Aquata crying and she came over to try and sooth Aquata "Hela," Aquata said feeling her presence, "I'm pregnant with twins, and I don't even know if Loki is going to survive to meet his children let alone witness their birth or any other milestone in this pregnancy." Hela rubbed Aquata's back "He's a fighter, Loki will be able to meet his children don't worry about that alright." Hela told Aquata to calm her. Aquata looked up at Hela and a smile had formed on her face, "Thank you Hela" Aquata said as she gave Hela a hug around the legs. "Anytime sister." Hela replied as she hugged Aquata back. The bell then rang for lunch to be served and Hela turned as she started out the door, "can I bring you anything to eat I know that you didn't have a lot at breakfast with Thor's announcement and your own weighing heavy on you along with any nausea you may have been feeling in that moment" Aquata shook her head "I'll go get some food later right now I just want to be with him" she said as she looked over at Loki on his bed attached to so many machines it wasn't even funny. Strange had sat there and explained every single one to Aquata earlier that morning, but just seeing things like the tube coming out of Loki's nose so that he could be fed and the monitors beeping with every beat of his heart and then maybe the worst thing to see was the hose attached to Loki's mouth that led to a vent that was helping Loki breathe while syphoning out the fluid that was inside his lungs from the pneumonia, it was a lot to process all at once especially considering just yesterday Aquata was sitting there talking to Loki and discussing what they thought the baby gender was going to be as if they didn't have a care in the world.

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