The In-Laws

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Laufey's speech just kept playing over and over in Loki's dream and he wondered what Laufey was playing at. Loki woke up in his bed at the tower with no memory on how he got back or what time it was, he stood stretched and then walked to the common room where everyone else was sitting talking and joking while eating dinner, the smell was delectable to Loki as he approached the counter where the food was to fix himself a plate, Aquata seeing movement out of the corner of her eye with raven hair turned towards the kitchen area to scold Celeste about playing around hot things when she realized it was Loki getting himself some food, "Hello sleepy head, finally up to eating" Aquata stated causing everyone to look over to the kitchen, "well it all smelled so good I figured I would eat something, I have to keep my strength up after all" Loki joked around, he walked over to the table and took the empty seat next to Thor to start eating. After dinner was done and the dishes were washed Loki sat on the couch next to Aquata with the rest of the team in the living room area of the common room while Celeste and Atlantan played in the middle of the floor, "bubble please mommy?" Atlantan came over and asked Aquata, "Bubble?" Loki questioned as Aquata picked Atlantan up and put a water bubble around him causing him to float a few feet off the ground Atlantan giggled and started to move the bubble around the room causing Tony to become soaked when it passed over him, "Atlantan sweetie you need to remember mommy can't hold it forever" Aquata reminded her son who finally stopped on the shower drain in the kitchen, Aquata released the bubble and Atlantan came running back over to play with blocks on the floor with his sister. A little later in the evening it was time to put the twins to bed so Aquata taught Loki the bedtime routine, they started with giving the twins a bath, Loki watched as Aquata used her powers to make little sea creatures out of the water in the tub, making the twins giggle and inspired Atlantan to try with his own powers only to make a mess that his mother cleaned up. Then it was some warm milk then off to bed with a story and kiss. Once the twins were in bed Loki and Aquata went back to the common room to join the other avengers, Tony mixed cocktails for people and then sat down to have a relaxing evening, Fury came in to debrief the team "well team we scared them for now but we don't know how long for, keep on alert everyone and keep your coms on at all times you never know when you will be called in, dismissed" Fury left the room and Thor was the first to speak "Aquata don't you have family in this state?" Aquata nodded, "in Seneca Falls I do" she responded sipping her Malibu rum and orange juice "Why don't we take the twins and go visit them tomorrow" Loki suggested. Aquata thought for a moment she hadn't seen her parents since she went to Asgard, and to just show up with twins and her husband but she finally agreed.

The next morning Loki, Aquata, and the twins were on a small jet to upstate, the plane was to land at finger lakes airport and after that they would take a car to Aquata's parents house, when they arrived to her parents she walked up to the door and rang the doorbell her parents had a nest doorbell so they talked to her through that "who are you and what do you want" Aquata heard her mother's voice say through the speaker, "Hey mom, I'm home" Aquata replied, there was a pause "it's open Ericka come on in" her mom said Aquata opened the door and was greeted by her family's dog Edgar, "yes hello Edgar nice to see you too" Aquata said as she walked into the living room, her mother was sitting on the couch and her father in his chair, "You're looking well Ericka, oh sorry Aquata," her mom teased "Well we were in the city and decided to come visit, Mom dad my husband Loki and our two children Atlantan and Celeste," Aquata replied bringing the twins around to the front of her "say hello to Grandma and Grampa children" "hello Grandma and Grampa" Atlantan and Celeste said simultaneously. Aquata's mother stood and walked over, "they look so much like you two how old are they" Aquata's mom asked, "they are almost four years now" Aquata responded "we would have visited sooner with them but there were some health concerns that had to be addressed first" "oh I understand health is the most important thing" Aquata's mom assured her daughter. At that point Aquata's two brothers walked in the door carrying a sheet pizza and wings and stopped when they realized they had Asgardian royalty in their house "Sean am I seeing things?" Aquata's older younger brother asked "No Matt you're not" Sean the youngest replied. "what are you two babbling about now" Aquata asked moving to the kitchen where her brothers were followed closely by Atlantan who clung to his mother's dress "Matt there is a small child on our sister's dress" Sean noticed "not just one," Loki said picking up Celeste who was on his leg "she gave birth to twins." Aquata's brothers just got humongous grins on their faces as they thought of all the things they could do with their niece and nephew, "won't you join us for dinner, I know it's not anything fancy like you get from Asgard but it is Mark's pizza" Aquata's dad offered them "We would be honored oh great warrior" Loki accepted, "your highness please, I served Odin just like everyone else on the army that day." Aquata's dad blushed at the thought of being a great hero, "No I mean it, without your stepping in to save the all-father none of this would have been possible, he did reward you with having your daughter betrothed at birth to a royal who would take the throne" Loki contested "For which I'm grateful for Loki we united as soulmates," Aquata butted in with to stop this before it got too far, "now let's just eat." Aquata's parents just chuckled to themselves because that was their daughter for them passive aggressive to get her way with others. They all sat down around the living room to eat with the twins on the floor with their mother and uncles, "are you sure you don't want to sit up here on the couch honey?" Aquata's mother asked her, "yeah I would be happy to move for you Pet" Loki added "No Loki and mom I'm fine, Loki you should be sitting up there more than me anyways" Aquata protested, Loki just sat back and ate while Aquata and her mom had a full conversation about what had been happening since she moved to Asgard, Aquata explained about the wedding and Loki's health concerns all while entertaining the twins with her powers that she gained from moving to Asgard, her brothers fascinated with how she moved the water, at one point Aquata had the two goldfish from the aquarium in the living room out in water balls that she was floating around for the twins to see fishys better.

As the night set in and the dew started to fall Aquata noted that they should really get back to the tower "well I hope you get a chance to visit us again soon and if you ever need a babysitter feel free to let us know" Aquata's mom said giving everyone a hug "We will keep that in mind mom have a good night, maybe we can go back and invite you to the tower or Asgard sometime, Loki and I are going to be crowned King and Queen here soon." Aquata replied back "maybe" her mother said back, and with that they said their final goodbyes for the night and Aquata Loki and the twins were off back to the city and the avengers tower. "Well, your home earlier than expected, mommy and daddy not want to see you anymore?" Tony teased as Loki and Aquata walked in to the common room each carrying an asleep twin. "Very funny Tony" Aquata said annoyed walking past them to the twins rooms to set them down to sleep, "Did I say something wrong" Tony asked. Aquata and Loki came back out and sat down to Thor talking "so I've been thinking about what Laufey said to Loki and Aquata yesterday, what do you think he means by dire consequences?" "well by the context he means to harm one of them probably Aquata, so that Loki feels the most pain, but I think I have come up with a solution," Strange said walking over to Aquata, "Fury had the right idea, we do need the infinity stone in the scepter, but it's not Loki who needs to wield it, it's Aquata," Aquata choked on her drink and looked at Strange "excuse me, What?!" Aquata asked shocked, "You actually calmed the stone it should listen to you better than anyone" Strange explained. Loki looked over at his wife then at the scepter that had made its way onto the weapons wall behind the other couch, the stone was gently rippling where other times it was chaotic, he thought for a moment wondering if Aquata would fall victim to the powers of the stone like he did all those years ago, but Fury assured them that after this mission the scepter would be locked away for good, "let's try pet, what is there to lose" Loki finally said. Aquata looked at the scepter and stood up and took it off the wall, the stone glowed brightly with her holding the scepter, Aquata then held the scepter straight out in front of her, everyone ducked expecting something to explode, a gold beam came from the scepter that hit the piano on the other side of the room picking it up so Aquata could move it where ever she wanted with moving the scepter, all of them uncurled in awe at Aquata's control of the stone. Aquata set the piano down, "It could work" Aquata said, Loki smiled he saw his wife as a true Valkyrie at that point, and it was a turn on.

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