Battle 1

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Aquata never left Loki's side much as she had Thor and Hela checking on her constantly to make sure she was alright as she was with child and they wanted her as comfortable as possible. "I'm fine, truly I am let's just focus on Loki alright." Aquata kept telling them as they kept checking on her. Loki kept smiling as Aquata told them off every time but he knew that he was the main concern on her mind not their child or her duties but him and he was fighting for her but he knew he was getting worse, he felt like he was swimming in a pool of sweat and he was constantly cold with 3 thick wool blankets and his comforter on him. Aquata also noticed that Loki was getting worse as she dabbed his forehead with cool water, everyday it seemed that he was paler than the day before and he was starting to have trouble breathing and Loki was being stubborn and would not let Aquata call Strange to check on him again. Aquata turned to the only one she knew could force Loki to listen to her, Thor. Thor called Strange in and stood right beside Aquata as Strange examined Loki again forcing him to stay in place for the exam. "Well, Aquata you were right he is worse; his cold has turned into pneumonia and he definitely needs to stay in bed and have IV antibiotics around the clock now. A couple of nurses will be here to help and I will be staying in the castle in case he continues downhill." Strange explained and then walked away with Thor to discuss details of where he will stay. Aquata looked at her husband who was fighting with his oxygen mask hose to get it out of the way, Aquata moved the hose for him then sat back down put her head in her hands and sighed "what am I going to do with you?" Loki chuckled "you are supposed to love me" Aquata just shook her head laughing "I do love you ya big lug, you can just be more stubborn than a mule some days." Loki flashed his famous grin at her and settled down to just be a push pin for IVs and blood draws for tests. Aquata yawned as she hasn't slept properly in about a week with her worry for Loki and her pregnancy, Loki noticed her yawning and tried to convince her to go get some sleep but Aquata didn't leave till Hela came in and told her that Strange wanted to talk to her and that Hela herself will stay with Loki till she got back. Aquata walked to where Strange was and knocked on the door, "come in" Dr. Strange's voice rang out from inside, Aquata walked in to the room "Ah Aquata do come in and have a seat, I have something I wanted to discuss with you." Strange said as he noticed her. Aquata sat down "Is this about Loki?" Aquata asked. Strange hesitated then spoke "yes, it is, the tests we ran show that his blood oxygen level is dangerously low I'm afraid that he may need to be put on a vent to make sure that he is properly able to breathe and help drain the fluid from his lungs, but he may not allow us to do that, is that something you will allow us to do to help him?" Aquata nodded ready to cry. "I'm not saying that I am going to do it right now but if it gets to that point, I want to make sure that is what you want." Strange continued noticing Aquata's emotions, Aquata knew that Loki was truly ill and she needs to support him but she felt it was becoming too much at once with him.

Aquatawent back to Loki who was actually sleeping for once, she took her spot backfrom Hela and dabbed his forehead again, he looked so peaceful while he slept,his raven hair damp and sticking to his face from the sweat and his breathshallow and slow. Aquata leaned over and kissed his cheek before going to bedherself, suddenly she was awoken in the middle of the night by Strange yellingfor an intubation kit and for the vent to be brought over, throwing her robe onshe ran over quickly and made it to Loki's room just in time to watch the tubego into his lungs. Strange saw her over in the door covering her mouth tryingnot to cry. He walked over and took her to the chairs by the closet in Loki'sroom "Loki's vitals dropped to low and he fell into a coma and was notbreathing so we put him on a vent to help him breathe, we don't know how longhe will be this way but we will keep monitoring him and if it gets too bad, wewill talk later about options, alright?" Aquata nodded again still in shockover how fast Loki's condition changed. She went back over and sat at Loki'sside for the rest of the night and did not move till it was time for breakfast,where she proceeded down to where Hela and Thor sat eating their own breakfast,"ah good Aquata is finally here so she can tell Loki when she goes backupstairs to his side, Lady Jane has finally agreed to become my Queen and moveup here to Asgard but don't worry Aquata you and Loki will still be king andqueen because Jane wants no children what so ever" Thor announced Aquata atthat point could not hold the tears back anymore as she started to cry into hereggs on her plate, "Aquata what's wrong?" Hela asked, and through the tearsAquata answered "Loki had to be put on a vent last night because he stoppedbreathing and fell into a coma and Strange doesn't know when he will come outof it. If he comes out of it at all." Thor in that moment felt like the size ofa grain of the rice on his plate because he had announced his happiness whenAquata was going through that and facing the possibility of losing her husbandand father of her child. Aquata excused herself as she had lost her appetite inthat moment and went to meet with the midwife that was going to be the one tohelp her through her pregnancy and deliver Loki's and her heir.

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