Here We Go Again

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Afterbreakfast about five months later Loki and Aquata went over to the twins andgot them dressed up to go with them to the balcony for the royal family viewingfor the king's wedding and the parades as they were old enough to be in themedia for a day or two, they used gloves to keep the powers contained till thetwins were old enough for proper training by both Loki and Aquata, Loki was theone to suggest the gloves as that was the way that they kept Loki's powerscontrolled till he could be trained when he was little. Once again, they waitedat the door to the front balcony, today they were not hung over as the feastwas tonight after the parade and viewings instead of the night before, This wasThor's idea to do it this way as Thor did not want to push Loki and have himover do it with him still not being fully cleared from his nine-month stint onhis back hooked to the machines keeping him alive. The doors opened and Helawent out first being the only single royal then it was Loki and Aquata with thetwins, Loki held Atlantan and Aquata holding Celeste waving with a free hand asthe twins wiggled around being cute as if they knew that both realms werewatching them. Then finally with a fanfare and shower of rose petals Thor andLady Jane walked out to the balcony and when they got to the edge Thor liftedthe veil covering Jane's face revealing her to the realm, Aquata got thinkingthat she had the better deal as she just got to walk out on the arm of a veryhungover Loki no veil required with her. The crowd cheered and all eyes were onone thing and it wasn't the Queen to be the crowd keep chanting one thing as thecameras that fed through the jumbotrons on the sides of the balcony showed Lokiand Aquata and then it zoomed in on the twins. As Jane saw that she felt a waveof jealousy hit as the new born royals were getting more attention than her thequeen to be. "What are their names?" the crowd said in unison, Thor looked overat his brother's family and urged them to answer the crowd. Aquata spoke out tothe crowd "I know this is the first time you are seeing the Prince's and mychildren and I am proud to tell you their names in Prince Loki's arms is ourfirst born Prince Atlantan Lokison the crown prince after his father for thethrone, and in my arms is Princess Celeste Lokisdottir, but they are not thefocus of today, today we are here to celebrate the engagement of King Thor andLady Jane, there will be a day in the near future that will be the officialcelebration of the Loki children. So, let's give our praises to the King andhis bride." As the crowd returned their attention to the king and his brideJane seemed to be smug as she smiled to the crowd below and waved to thecitizens of Asgard her future people that she could care less about she onlyagreed to this finally to gain power and be better than Aquata who just likeher came from Midgard but somehow Aquata became the people of Asgard's princessand the citizens did not like the future queen at all. The royal family posedfor pictures and presented as happy to be celebrating even though some wereseething at the attention being split from them. The rest of the day wasparades between the two realms and then another balcony viewing. As the sunbegan to set on the castle the family went back in to go to the feast plannedfor the ambassadors delegates and diplomats to meet the new Queen, Aquata wasexcited because that meant she could see her best friend from Midgard who sheherself appointed when she first became princess. Aquata got dressed for dinner,her chamber maids put her in a green floor length dress with blue crystalscascading down the train of the dress that reminded her of the space stone withthe way they glowed and shimmered then they sat her down and put her hair intobraids for the two-braid draping over her ears and back into a bigger braidinterlaced with gold ribbons then they put her tiara on her head and she wasready for dinner. She walked to the dining hall and ran into an ambassador asshe bowed to apologize to the person she ran into she heard a familiar voice,"Good morrow princess" Aquata looked up to see her best friend Britany in frontof her "Good morrow ambassador Ploof," Aquata and Brittany giggled "how haveyou been girl, how's Ryan?" Aquata dropped the formality to ask her best friend"he's good, upset that I have a better job than him but he doesn't knock thehouse that comes with the job" Britany explained "Oh I'm sure he's happy aboutthat" Aquata chuckled about, "Ambassador Ploof its time to sit down" Britany'shelper came over to tell her "OH, I'm sorry princess I didn't realize you weretalking." "It's alright let's not keep the rest of the crowd waiting," Aquatasaid "I will see you in the feast ambassador." She curtsied and walked over tofind Loki. She found him down the hall just next to the hall having troublebreathing "are you all right love?" Aquata asked sitting him down Loki lookedover and grabbed her "I'm fine pet" Loki said still a bit tense and wheezing "let'sjust go eat dinner ok, the focus is not on us right now it's on Thor and Jane,so let's just go sit and eat, ok?" Aquata said comforting him Loki nodded andstood up to have Aquata take his arm and walked to the door the Matradee noddedand announced them "Now presenting their royal highnesses Prince Loki andPrincess Aquata of Asgard." all the VIPsin the dining hall stood as they walked in to their chairs and only sat onceAquata sat down, Aquata was next to Britany then a trumpet fanfare that hushedthe crowd they heard the matradee call out "Now presenting the couple of theevening his mighty majesty King Thor and his bride Lady Jane" as the doors flewopen Thor and Jane walked in and walked over to their seats at the head of thetable and just next to him on his left. The dinner was the same as Loki andAquata's feast but the thing that was different was it was served on to a plateas that is what Jane wanted instead of the true Asgardian feast Aquata and Lokihad. After feasting Loki wasn't looking to well so Aquata sent a look to Thorand then signaled to Loki, Thor got the message then stood up "I enjoy all ofyou being here but I think it is time to retire for the night, so have a goodnight everyone." All rose as Thor left the room followed closely by Jane,Aquata supported Loki as they went to their chamber, Loki just fell on the bedas Aquata looked after the twins "What's wrong love?" Aquata asked, Loki puthis hands to his skull, "I feel like my brain and lungs are about to explode"Loki whined Aquata was worried about Loki saying that his lungs felt like theywere ready to explode "why do you think your lungs are going to explode love?"Aquata asked nerve in her voice, Loki responded "I think it's because I overdid today, I should be alright by tomorrow." Loki then snuggled down into thebed as Aquata finished with the twins, she then walked over to the bed andchecked Loki's temperature, it was slight fever but nothing to be frightenedover Loki was probably right he would be fine by morning. The sun broke throughthe window and fell highlighting Loki's eyes that slowly fluttered open at thegiggle of a child who had learned how to escape a crib and was now sitting onthe floor. Loki slowly stood up not feeling well and walked over seeing Celesteon the floor holding her arms up to be picked up, Loki picked her up and heldher for being almost six months old she and her brother were advanced furtherthan other babies he had seen, he set her back down in her bassinet then sat inthe recliner till Aquata awoke because today was the big day that they had beenpreparing for, Thor's wedding. The assistants came in to prepare the royals forthe day ahead, the first outfit that Loki and Aquata were put in was a matchingin color and decoration, royal Asgardian robes that are red with steal greydecoration, the twins were dressed in green outfits and given to nurses to carefor them while their parents were busy. 

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