Chapter 4

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By Friday, Rory had begun to settle in with Paris and Doyle, relearning all the quirks that came along with living with Paris. The heavier course load that came along with trying to make up for her time off was helping in the regard that she didn't actually have much free time to dwell upon everything that happened. Sure she had seen Logan in the distance a few times but she had so far always managed to evade him when he looked like he was going to approach her. She was not looking forward to the usual Friday night dinner, she knew that her Grandmother was expecting her to show up and that they could gush over the dresses and gossip that Rory should have seen and heard at the Huntzberger wedding, instead Rory was about to burst her bubble that there would not be a Gilmore/Huntzberger merger happening anytime soon.

Rory had just dropped an article off at the paper and was heading for a coffee, when she heard her cell beeping in her purse. She stopped to check it quickly before leaving the newsroom, as she hated when people texted and walked around campus, not paying any attention to their surroundings.

Hey, it's me, Tristan. Just wanted to check in and see how your week has gone, and make sure that Huntzberger hasn't been harassing you.

Unable to help herself, Rory smiled to herself while reading the text. She had a feeling he was just being extra polite, but Tristan had definitely changed from Chilton, although he was nice to her in high school when she was dealing with her breakup from Dean.

Thanks for asking Bible Boy, he hasn't managed to get close enough to me to harass me so far, so that is a win. The week has been okay, living with Paris again takes some getting used to. I have dinner with my Grandparents tonight. I have to break it to my Grandmother that I have split up with her favorite person.

Bible Boy? Are we back to that? Can I go back to Mary then? Make sure that you don't let Emily blame it all on you. Don't be selfless over this.

Rory laughed at his mention of Mary, then looked around in case people thought she was crazy laughing to herself. She wondered how he seemed to know that she hadn't planned on throwing Logan under the bus, maybe she needed to rethink that plan. She would have to just see how they reacted to the news that evening.

Do you really have to? I was going to play it by ear and try to avoid blaming anyone if I could. I have to go and get some coffee so I can stay awake for my afternoon class. Get to class or the library!

Rory made it halfway through cocktails before the dreaded subject came up, thankfully her grandfather had just refilled her martini.

"So Rory I have been just dying to ask, how did the Huntzberger wedding go? I'm sure that Honor looked lovely but I did wonder if Shira would be able to stay classy or veer too far into tacky. So how did it go?" Emily asked, practically on the end of her loveseat in excitement.

"Well Grandma," Rory took a deep breath trying to think of how to word it. "Honor was of course gorgeous. The bridesmaids were in a pale lavender. I didn't actually see Shira so I'm not sure if she managed to pull off the dignified mother of the bride look."

"What do you mean that you didn't see Shira, you can hardly avoid the mother of the bride the whole day, especially when she happens to be your boyfriend's mother?" Emily said, outrage beginning to build, she was already trying to think what she would need to do to avoid any social fallout from the slight.

"Mom, I'm sure Rory was just about to explain," Lorelai said, trying to provide some support for her daughter, while trying to cut her mom off before she got started.

"Of course Rory, I'm sure there is a simple explanation that she was just about to tell you Emily," Richard said, knowing his wife needed calming down.

"I actually found something out while I was waiting on everyone getting ready for the wedding and it made me feel like I shouldn't attend the wedding, so I didn't. Then I spoke to Logan after the ceremony and we, umm," Rory looked at her grandmother, and saw she had paled, so building her courage she managed to rush out the rest of her sentence. "We broke up."

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