Chapter 23

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Rory and Tristan easily fell into a new routine. They would still text throughout the day, then call or text at bedtime. Nothing much changed in that regard, making Rory realize how much they had already been flirting throughout those exchanges.

This weekend it was Rory's turn to go to Boston; Tristan had used a lot of his free time up while his Grandfather was ill, so it was easier for Rory to travel to him on a Friday evening. She was just getting off the train when her phone rang, assuming that it was Tristan, wondering where she was, she didn't even check the caller ID on her cell before answering.

"I just got off the train, I'm at the far end of the platform, I will be two minutes," Rory said, smiling into the phone.

"While that is good to know young lady, I was just calling to see what your weekend plans were." The voice of Emily Gilmore rang out through the phone.

"Grandma! Oh I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else. I was hurrying so I didn't check my caller Id," Rory said, slowing down to talk, hoping that she would finish the conversation before she reached the platform barrier and Tristan.

"Obviously. I know I have told you multiple times that you need to work on your telephone etiquette, I believe that this proves my point."

"Yes Grandma. How can I help you?"

"Really Rory, is that anyway to start a conversation?"

"Sorry Grandma, but as you just heard. I am walking through a train station right now, so I can't really be focused on stopping to have a complete conversation."

"I was calling to see if you would be around this weekend, the Gilmore Insurance Gala is coming up and I thought you might like to go shopping for a new gown."

"It isn't for another month yet Grandma."

"Well, you know as well as I do that it is never too early to shop for these things. Something could come up between now and then if you leave it to the last moment and then you might not get time to even find something new!"

"God forbid" Rory muttered under her breath.

"What was that?" Emily said, having realized that Rory said something, just not catching what.

"Nothing Grandma. Well I am in Boston this weekend, do you want to come into the city sometime next week?"

"What are you doing in Boston? I could come up there, I'm sure Francine would love to accompany us."

"I'm visiting Tristan, we have plans for the full weekend," Rory said, spotting his blonde locks in the crowd as she reached the terminal. "I'm sure that you would prefer to shop in Manhattan instead of Boston anyway."

"Well, I don't know about that. What are you visiting Tristan for?" Emily asked, Rory could hear the curiosity in her tone.

"I have to go Grandma, I just found him in the terminal, and it would be very rude for me to continue ignoring him like this." Rory said, smirking at Tristan, who looked at her trying to work out who she was talking to, leading to Rory mouthing 'Grandma' at him. He took the handle of her luggage from her, and placed his own hand in her now empty one, before beginning to walk, pulling both Rory and her luggage with him.

"Fine, will you be home on Sunday?"

"Yes, but I don't know what time. Can I call you on Monday night after I get home from work?" Rory asked, trying to beat her Grandmother to any other questions.

"Okay, I suppose I will talk to you then. And Rory?"


"Remember you need a date for the gala. If you don't think you can find one, please let me know in advance so I can make some arrangements."

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