Chapter 5

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A/N Several parts of this chapter are roughly paraphrased from a few season 6 episodes, hopefully you can all forgive me for that. It just works for the story to include these parts but also to adjust and reorder them a little. Thanks again for all the continued support for this story. I really appreciate it.

The following week continued much the same as the previous week. Rory was almost fully adjusted to living with Paris and Doyle, more so than they had adjusted to the presence of another person based on the fact that she had walked in on them in compromising positions more than once. Honestly, who doesn't hear someone unlocking five locks before the door even opens?

Being editor of the paper was also keeping her extremely busy, and unfortunately that was what had led her to here, having her first proper interaction with Logan since the day that Tristan and Paris had sent him away.

"Hey Chief, Can I talk to you for a minute?" Logan asked, walking towards Rory's desk in the newsroom. "It's about my article," he quickly added, seeing her get ready to refuse him.

"Okay, fine you have five minutes." Rory answered with a sigh, knowing she couldn't decline him if it was genuinely paper related.

"I was under the impression that you had assigned me the story about textbook pricing?"

"I did." Rory said sharply.

"Well imagine my surprise when I looked on the server and saw that the story had already been completed and submitted, but not by me."

"The story was important, it is about a topic that affects the whole student body, I wanted to be sure that it would be completed."

"I had two more days, it was going to be completed, I did interviews and lots of research for that story," Logan stated indignantly.

"I know. I used your research, well the parts that made sense. If it's about the byline, don't worry you will still get the credit for the story," Rory said, sitting down with a shrug.

"It's not about the byline. It's about the fact I had done the work and it would have been submitted on time, I don't like that you don't trust me to reach a deadline."

"Well I had to go by past performance, which told me to have a backup version of the story prepared."

"Past performance is not indicative of future results."

"Wise men call that a sucker's maxim."

"Look, Rory, we both know what this is really about. Please give me five minutes to talk to you in private," Logan begged.

Rory looked around the newsroom, and saw that everyone was determinedly pretending not to be paying attention to them, while really they were probably listening avidly. "Fine, five minutes." Rory agreed, gesturing towards the hall.

"Look, I understand that you're upset. And I really wish you hadn't found out like that. But, Rory, I love you. You know that I love you. When I said that I was your boyfriend, I agreed to be faithful to you, which, by the way, was a first for me. And I thought it was gonna be hard. But it wasn't. Then I asked you to move in with me. I asked you to move in with me, and I thought that was gonna be hard. But it wasn't. I have been completely faithful to you, Rory. I have not been with another girl. I have not looked at another girl. I've not even thought about another girl."

"Except for Walker, Alexandra..." Rory started to tick off on her hand, trying to maintain her aloof appearance as he talked.

"We were broken up, Rory." Logan said emphatically.

"No. You were..."

"I thought we were broken up. I thought that's what the fight was. I thought that's what the separation was. Do you believe me? Do you believe that I honestly thought we weren't together?"

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