Chapter Thirty-seven

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"Logan, did you know that Rory was related to the Hayden's?"

"Why hello Logan, how are you son? How is work?" Logan replies. "Nice to see you too, Dad."

"Cut the crap Logan, did you know?" Mitchum asked his son, as Logan sat down across from him.

Logan sigh's looking out the window behind his father, he doesn't know why he thought this conversation would not happen and they could just discuss business as planned.

"No, I didn't know. It never came up when we were dating, she didn't have a good relationship with her dad, and I never met him. I saw him once from across the quad at Yale but was never introduced. I haven't seen her since the party to talk to her about it."

"And the Gilmore's never mentioned it?" Mitchum asked, not sure whether Logan was telling the truth or trying to save his own skin.

"Never. I just assumed from the scandal around it, her father had been a staff member- a pool boy or valet."

"Okay, I can't blame you for that. We thought the same."


"No need to get cheeky." Mitchum said, leaning back in his chair. "Now do you think we will face any repercussions from this?"

"From the knowledge that I dated her?"

"That and how we all, and I'm including you, treated her at the time."

"Honestly?" Logan sighed, running his hand over his face. "I think if there were going to be repercussions it would have happened back when we broke up. I think that they know that this new knowledge alone is killing us. For Mom, to know how close she was to having a top tier society member join the family, opening those few doors she couldn't. For you, to realize the kind of contacts she would have brought in. And for me the knowledge that I was dating someone from society that I loved, and that you should have approved of, and now I'm dating airhead bimbo's. They don't have to torture us, we are doing it to ourselves."

"I don't know whether to be proud of the amount of self awareness you just showed, or angry about what caused it." Mitchum stated.

"It's not like I can do anything else." Logan replied. "Tristan and Rory are happy. I couldn't get her to forgive me when I first messed up. There is no point trying now, when she is happily engaged and living with her fiance."

"You think we should just leave it be?"

"I think that I have no intention of getting involved. Finn is dating, seriously for him, Rory's friend and client, and I would like to just continue the tentative truce that Rory, Tristan and I all have. Tristan helped her move out of my apartment Dad, he knows everything that happened between us."

"So you think I should just convince your mother to get over this?"

"I don't think that there are any other options on the table Dad."

"I saw Shira at the spa the other day, she looked like she had been sucking on a lemon," Francine said, with a laugh as she lifted a mimosa off the proffered tray.

"Did she say anything to you?" Emily asked, setting the tray down before taking a glass for herself.

"No, nothing. A few times I thought she was going to, but I was continually approached by people asking about the nuptials so maybe she couldn't find a break to speak to me."

"What are you telling people?" Emily asked, leaning forward on the loveseat.

"So far I have been telling them that everything is undecided so far but that Rory and Tristan have alluded to wanting something intimate and family only for the ceremony. Setting the expectations for invites to low from that start."

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